So I made this code,
$from = 0;
$fromname = '';
$title = 'Test PM';
$message = 'this is a test pm';
$sendpermissions = array(
pmpermissions => 7,
pmsendmax => 0,
pmquota => 0,
pmthrottlequantity => 0,
$pmdm = datamanager_init('PM', $vbulletin, ERRTYPE_ARRAY);
$pmdm->set('fromuserid', $from);
$pmdm->set('fromusername', $fromname);
$pmdm->setr('title', $title);
$pmdm->set_recipients($vbulletin->userinfo['username'], $sendpermissoins);
$pmdm->setr('message', $message);
$pmdm->set('dateline', TIMENOW);
This should send you a pm when you load this page. Which actually it does. The problem is the info is being put into the _pmtext table but not the _pm table. So it makes the pm record it just never inserts the pm into the users inbox thus they never knew it came or even existed. Does anyone know why this is?