The Arcive of Official vBulletin Modifications Site.It is not a VB3 engine, just a parsed copy! |
OK, I know I have bugged you quite a bit on this hack and Im sorry. If you could just help me with one more thing on this post count hack I would be in your dept.
In the official thread for the hack ( Fastforward states this: Code:
Alter the line that checks for posting permissions in newthread.php to something like this if ($foruminfo[minposts] && ($foruminfo[minposts]>$bbuserinfo[posts]) and !(ismoderator($foruminfo[forumid],"",$bbuserinfo[userid]))) { eval("standarderror(\"".gettemplate("error_forumnopost")."\");"); exit; } Don't forget to change the same thing in forumdisplay.php also! This worked, Thanks for your reply. My problem is, I don't know where to put that code that I quoted from Fastforward. Could you please help me with this code. I swear I wont ask another question about this hack. (in case you are a little lost, I am asking this because my guests are getting the "you must have 0 posts to view this forum." I updated the error templates, but that only sets the post count to check to see what the post count is set to. I just need to get it so that it doesn't give that error message to guests, but instead, lets my guests view the forums that I setup for them to view in the admin CP.) OK, sorta long but I wanted you to have a clear view of what was wrong. I appreciated you writing this hack and all the support you have given to me on this. Please don't give up on me now. The Gutspiller. |
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