post new thread problem
When I tried to post new thread or reply thread, I had a problem. On the left hand side, there will show username, admin/member, join date and others. My problem is showing the following weird words"
Site AdminSingle HandicapperProBuayaHandicap 24 - 22Handicap 21 - 19Handicap 18 - 16Handicap 15 - 13Handicap 12 - 10ModeratorGolf Rules Guru2008 ChampionDon Captain (2009)Naga Ria Captain (2009)Naga Ria Vice-Captain (2009)Don Vice-Captain (2009)Don Captain (2010)Don Vice Captain (2010)Don Committee (2010)Nagaria Captain (2010)Nagaria Vice Captain (2010)Nagaria Committee (2010)Transview Golf OfficialTitleist SEAFootjoy SEAThe Golf Card OfficialEpon MalaysiaWGC-HSBC ChampionsNike Golf SEACSSB Golf OfficialDon Captain (2011)Don Vice-Captain (2011)Don Committee (2011)Nagaria Captain (2011)Nagaria Vice-Captain (2011)Nagaria Committee (2011)TaylorMade-adidas Golf Malaysia"after admin and before join date. Do anyone know what is the problem?Why there are weird word shown up while other members do not have?Can anyone help me?