Help, I am Getting Bombarded by Spamers!!!
Hi, Since the last few months I have been Getting attacked, No Bombarded by these freaks, They Join up, never make any posts, and ad their stupid Viagra, Porn sites links etc.
They Used to Ad links in Signatures and Then PM Spam to others, I disabled those options using a mod that a needs them to have certain post count, Now the bastards were using the Album to SPAM! So I disabled the album feature for registered users all together. Should I just keep deleting them from ACP? Will that remove their albums too? How can I view the albums they created already?
I had re captcha installed, but still these guys are getting through, So I started using the Q & A, Still 10 of them daily. I just dont get it what these pricks get from wasting all out times, Who is going to buy their crap spam goods..
I am completely over whelmed and dont know what to do here, so I am asking please help me out here: