Disable all plugins and now what I get is this
Database error in vBulletin 4.0.8:
Invalid SQL:
(SELECT 'package' AS classtype, package.packageid AS typeid, package.packageid AS packageid,
package.productid AS productid, if(package.productid = 'vbulletin', 1, product.active) AS enabled,
package.class AS class, -1 as isaggregator
FROM package AS package
LEFT JOIN product AS product
ON product.productid = package.productid
WHERE product.active = 1
OR package.productid = 'vbulletin'
(SELECT 'contenttype' AS classtype, contenttypeid AS typeid, contenttype.packageid AS packageid,
1, 1, contenttype.class AS class , contenttype.isaggregator
FROM contenttype AS contenttype
INNER JOIN package AS package ON package.packageid = contenttype.packageid
LEFT JOIN product AS product ON product.productid = package.productid
WHERE product.active = 1
OR package.productid = 'vbulletin' );
MySQL Error : Table 'undermu1_negrow.contenttype' doesn't exist
Error Number : 1146
Request Date : Tuesday, November 9th 2010 @ 01:37:16 AM
Error Date : Tuesday, November 9th 2010 @ 01:37:16 AM
Script : http://undermusicworld.com/newthread.php?do=newthread&f=66
Referrer : http://undermusicworld.com/forumdisplay.php?66-PRESENTATE
IP Address : **.***.***.***
Username : Negrowarez
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 5.0.91-community
I can not post anything, the forum I can see it and everything but I can not delete or post anything.