I've been trying to compare Ning to Vbulletin and think that Vbulletin has more "horsepower" but Ning is incredibly easy to use both from administrator and member standpoint. How can I easily make my vbulletin site function like Ning (friend invitation system, event calendar, registration on main page, chat that logs in main log in, pictures of members rather than avatars, etc.)? I'm sure there are some mods out there that can do much of what I'm looking for but I love the layout of Ning and functionality--however, don't like the monthly payment to remove branding, point domain name, plus I don't really control data--think Ning would be great for my my church youth group but not a professional site.
Comments and input please! I have a regular site under construction
www.synergy4ministry.com and a ning equivalent
www.synergy4ministry.ning.com --Neither are complete and I will need to have capability of front page registration/log in plus subscription option and online store (neither operational at this point)