Best Friends Designator and 'search' function
It would be interesting if there was a way to indicate a certain group of friends as your 'best' friends or higher level friends. And then, along with this, a way to search for all posts today (or since last active) for any posts from your 'best' friends and find them. For example, say i have five people on my forum that are my best friends there, and I want to make sure I keep up with them and don't miss any of their posts - rather than search on their usernames individually, I'd like a way to tag them as a group, and then do a search and see all new posts by my 'bff' group - and even better would be something that shows me all new blog posts and regular posts from my 'bff's.
The rationale behind this is because most people accept any friend request they are given, so as not to be rude, but if you search for your friends posts, and you have 300 friends, there's really no point.. SO being able to designate your preferred friends or 'best' friends would make it easier to keep up with the people you want to.