Okay this is the code I am working with:
/* declare some relevant variables */
$DBhost = "localhost";
$DBuser = "particle_root";
$DBpass = "REMOVED";
$DBName = "particle_vbulletindb";
$DBForum = "6";
$DBLimit = "4";
$DBLink = "forums/showthread.php?threadid";
/* don't mess with this one it should be the same for all vbulletins */
$DBTable = "thread";
/* do some story ripping... */
mysql_connect($DBhost,$DBuser,$DBpass) or die("Unable toconnect to database");
mysql_select_db("$DBName") or die("Unable to access the News");
$sqlquery = "SELECT * FROM $DBTable WHERE forumid = $DBForum ORDER by dateline DESC LIMIT 0,$DBLimit";
$result = mysql_query($sqlquery);
$number = mysql_numrows($result);
$i = 0;
if ($number < 1) {
print "<CENTER><P>There Is NO News!</CENTER>";
else {
while ($number > $i) {
$title = mysql_result($result,$i,"title");
$theid = mysql_result($result,$i,"threadid");
$name = mysql_result($result,$i,"postusername");
$time = mysql_result($result,$i,"dateline");
$time3 = date("M d Y",$time);
$storyquery = "SELECT pagetext FROM post where threadid = $theid order by dateline limit 0,1";
$storyres = mysql_query("$storyquery");
$story = mysql_result($storyres,"pagetext");
$title = str_replace("[","<",$title);
$title = str_replace("]",">",$title);
$story = str_replace("[","<",$story);
$story = str_replace("]",">",$story);
print "<p>Title: <A href=$DBLink=$theid>$title</a> <br>Story: $story <br>posted by: $name <br>posted on: $time3
An example here:
Now in my forum it shows the data in paragraphs and showing the 'enters' but in this it just displays it in one block...how would I make it display more formatted?