This questions is probably extremely simple for one of you programming gurus out there! I'm working on an addon for my vbulletin and I'm trying to get some information from the SQL database but I am getting an entire string instead of rows.
For example: if I do $title I will get "Signature of the MonthMember of the Month" which is two rows. How can I split these rows into different variables? Or to atleast get a break line between the two?
Thanks, any help will be greatly appreciated!
PHP Code:
$query = $db->query_read("
SELECT candvoting_nominee.boothid, candvoting_nominee.userid, candvoting_pollbooth.title, candvoting_pollbooth.candvoting_pollboothid
FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "candvoting_nominee as candvoting_nominee
LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "candvoting_pollbooth as candvoting_pollbooth on (candvoting_nominee.boothid = candvoting_pollbooth.candvoting_pollboothid)
WHERE userid = $memberid"
while ($row = $db->fetch_array($query))
$title = $row['title'];