I've searched and haven't found a mod or instructions for what I need: A way to choose exactly which smilies appear in the smiliebox for all members? I saw the mod for users to choose their own fave smilies but there seemed to be a lot of problems and not many downloads, so I am wary.
What I really want is just to be able to state exactly which smilies appear in the smiliebox at all times for all members. I can't even figure out how vB determines which smilies do appear by default, since it seems to change at times. :\ Can anyone point me in the right direction, please? TIA!
I have already added a ton of smilies and organized them into categories. I have the generic smilies category listed first, thinking that would be the one showing up in the smiliebox (which I've hacked to display 4 rows of 10 smilies each below the reply box, thanks to a cool mod I found here). But the smilies that show up in the smiliebox aren't consistantly the same, and often seem to show up from other categories besides my generic one. Am I missing something?