I am working on a custom style for my site which emulates a book publishing design. I am almost where I want to be with the basic format, textures and colors. However, one aspect I wish to integrate is a stamp design repeating down the left page border. I want this to start below the navbar and terminate before the bottom navigation strip (style select and link location). I know that this can be accommodated by using a fixed width style, but I want a fluid 100% width approach. I am attaching an image mock-up which conveys my intent. The stamp in the image was added via Photoshop. A margin space between the stamp and the content blocks would also be desired.
There would be three graphic elements:
- The header which would include the small horizontal bar at the top of the image.
- The repeating stamp design, which does contain a black space at the top and bottom to allow for a fluid repeat.
- The footer which would include the small horizontal bar at the bottom of the image.
From the searches I have performed, I understand that this can be accomplished with either table elements or CSS edits. I am unsure on how to perform either, therefore any help would be greatly appreciated!