Help me to know even what I'm looking for. Plz someone
As the admin of my forums, I would like to be able to assign "forum dollars" or points to members who contribute. It would work like a bank account. A user contributes, and I could add, say, 50 "points" to that user's account. That way, when a user get so many points, I may reward him/her with elevated priveledges. Not the same as rank or fame. This would be a numerical "bank account" that only the admin could modify for each user and would show up next to their name in all their posts (or at least their profile)
The problem is I don't know what to even search for here. Ive browsed for an hour but can't find anything....i'm not sure even of the right search terms. Does anyone know a mod that will do that, or at least the right terminology for what I'm looking for so that I can better find it?