I am having trouble with my host saying that I am using too much of the servers cpu and ram. They say that I am using up 10% of the server resources. They have told me that if I want to have the site stay on thier servers I will have to move to a Virtual Private Server. Which is 50 bucks a month. What I don't understand is how vBulletin can be causing such a problem with only maybe 50 active members. Less than 20 are signed on at a time. Got ibPro Arcade, and photopost vbgallery installed. Other than that the only two things I can think of that are installed that might cause the issue is the Shout Box, and maybe Top 'X' stats, but I don't think it would be that big of a deal.
I thought my host was a fairly reputable host at
www.midphase.com so maybe they are right, but it just seems like they are trying to get me to pay the extra money for the VPS. Maybe I'm being paranoid. Doesnt seem like they are gonna let me go in and back up or troubelshoot anything until I move over to the VPS. So I don't know I'm kind of in a bind.
Any suggestions? Maybe find a new host?