You do not have to register if you dont want to. (Just to let you know)
If you go to and then register and then go back to the home page and login, the normal login message saying "thanks for logging in, you are now being redirected, etc. etc." appears. Then your brought back to the home page (which is ok) but then the Username and Password boxes on the homepage are still empty showing you havent signed in. But if you click anything on the nav bar on the homepage once youve logged in and your taken to that location, the "login box" is filled with your login info stating your "logged in". Some one told me this was a cookie error but I still have no idea what to do. Clearing my cookies didnt help. I've been told that many vbadvanced users have (had) this problem before. I've searched the forums but I've never found an answer. (On nor :ermm: