(note: do not apply this patch on vBulletin 3.7 as it's included already)
This patch allow you to use XCache as a datastore cache in vBulletin. This is definitely your choice if you have installed and enabled XCache on you server already.
Take care that this is a beta version and was not heavily tested. And i'm not familiar with vBulletin source code as i just started reading it today, but i don't have any difficulty reading it thanks to my years of php skill
Take aware that some vB plugin is not compatible with vB_datastore_*, not just vB_datastore_XCache. So, in case you find vB_datastore_XCache won't work, you'd better try datastore to file or memcache. If one of the others works but not vB_datastore_XCache, do report it to me so i can fix it.
// vB_Datastore_Filecache - for using a cache file
// $config['Datastore']['class'] = 'vB_Datastore_Filecache';
$config['Datastore']['class'] = 'vB_Datastore_XCache';
// vB_Datastore_Memcached - for using a Memcache server
// It is also necessary to specify the hostname or IP address and the port the server is listening on
Trouble Shooting
q. i have multiple vBulletin instance installed, the seems to mix data after install this plugin
a. this applies to apc too because, if you wanna fix it, try
open class_core.php, look for:
$this->prefix =& $this->registry->config['Datastore']['prefix'];
and modify to:
$this->prefix = $this->registry->config['Datastore']['prefix'] . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']; // or HTTP_HOST
q. Warning: unserialize() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given in $a.php on line $b
a. upgrade your plugin/hack that $a.php belongs to, e.g. vbjournal/vbgallery etc. OR open $a.php and locate at line $b, remove unserialize call, e.g.:
replace $var = unserialize($this->data);
with $var = $this->data;
be careful do not remove the whole line, just the unseralize( and )
Man..what u have done ?
Simply tremendous..........
Xcache rocks............
sure it will work better than others.. Xcache is working simply good......in my vb board...even it works better than eAcc.
it reduced my server load more....
can u say how much ram will be needed for using this? min.requirments?
like; some of us using eAcc or APC or Xcache for php accleration.
If u have Xcache installed on ur box for php cache/optimize u can install it for datastore cache.
atm we are on Xcache and it really works nice than eAcc.And it reduce more serverload than eAcc.
Xcache is perfectly working with php5.2.* series. http://trac.lighttpd.net/xcache/ Xcache have option to cache php & variable.....to enable datastore cache for vb+xcache.
Gonna install this patch for data-store cache.
Sorry if i am sound stupid but i dont know how to apply the patch... i have xcache allready in the box with php 5.2 (2k3 box) and im little confused cause i never applied a patch in my vb.