Version: 1.01, by Mosh
Developer Last Online: Nov 2023
Version: 3.5.x
Released: 05-19-2006
Last Update: 05-26-2006
Installs: 47
Uses Plugins Auto-Templates
Re-useable Code Translations
No support by the author.
Hack Support
This hack is now discontinued - this means that while it will remain available for download and use, there will be no further updates, nor will support be provided as the thread is no longer monitored.
Please click Mark as Installed if you are using this hack.
NOTE: Who is chatting Add-On (for Flashchat) for v3.6.x is available here.
vBulletin Version Compatibility
This hack has be tested with v3.5.8. This has not been tested with earlier versions, but should work.
What Does This Hack Do?
This is an add-on/enhancement to Paul M's FlashChat - Who is in the chat v 4.18, so this hack does not work without Paul M's hack installed first.
This does not change the functionality of Paul M's hack, this is just an enhancement to your installed version of FlashChat - Who is in the chat.
The members on my forum requested that the Who is in the chat box be moved to the top of the forums as it was a long way to scroll down to see who was chatting, at the top members could see who was chatting.
As members had to enter the chat or visit the forum homepage again to see who was chatting, I fixed it so that my members could also see who was chatting as they browsed the various forums and threads as well as on the who is online pages.
Code that is used in this hack is mainly Paul M's and he has kindly given me permission to use the code in my hack. I have also used part of the description off his hack as well.
Thanks Paul for all your work on the Flashchat integration, it makes all our lives easier
What it does
It displays the chat list under the navbar on Forum Home, Forum Display, Show Thread, Who is Online and on Search pages.
The list view is collapsable, so you see just the number.
Users who should display as coloured or bold etc are displayed correctly (based on the display usergroup)
If you 'hover' over a username it will show the room they are chatting in and their status (away etc).
If the chat is empty, a simple "no one is chatting" message is displayed.
Installation Instructions
Follow the attached instructions.
Upgrade instructions are included with the attached instructions.
Version History
v1.01 - Saturday 27th May 2006
-- Final release
-- Added: Display on Search pages
v1.00 - Saturday 20th May 2006
-- Initial Release
Show Your Appreciation
Although not required, if you have enjoyed the benefits of this hack, and would like show your appreciation for my efforts, then please feel free to click on the Support Developer link and donate any amount you feel is appropriate.
Show Your Support
This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.
I'm using Flashchat Integration 3.03 and Members Who are Using FlashChat 4.18.
I've added a left column to my site; the code for the left column starts UNDER the call of $navbar.
I really want the 'Whois Using Chat' to appear to the RIGHT of the left column, not above it, like it does now.
Can I move some code somehow to make that happen?
Yes, I am sure you can, but as neither of them are my hacks, you will have to ask the original hack author (Paul M) in the hacks respective support threads.