Version: 1.00, by el3m3nt
Developer Last Online: Oct 2002
Version: 2.2.x
Released: 04-10-2002
Last Update: Never
Installs: 76
No support by the author.
Latest Version: 1.1
Yesterday evening i wrote this hack instead of studying math . Actually the code is not really difficult, but the hack itself can make many things much easier.
First feature: you can create new php-files thru your admin cp. You can choose if you wanna include the header and footer template and if you wanna create a new template for the content. Screenshot 1:
Second feature: The script reads all files in your forum and admin directory and you can choose one for editing. So you can edit every file thru the admin cp. This can be usefull for changing small things. You can also choose if you want a backup of the file you are editing. Screenshot 2: Screenshot 3:
Everything is clearly explained in the readme file.
I'd really like to get every feedback you guys can give me. Also post bugreports and suggestions to improve this script. If you have installed this hack, pls click on the install button to receive updates thru email. Thank you .
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mhmm the webmaster doesn't allow chmod 666 and the PHP-scripts run under user nobody.
sorry,for writing the rest in german.
Schade, denn ich habe auf der Malloche kein FTP. Es sei denn ich arbeite in dringenden F?llen direkt auf der Firewall, aber davon ist unser Admin nicht wirklich begeistert. Und ich dachte schon, ich k?nnte zusammen mit Dir ein High-End-Produkt rausbringen (aber das ist es ja schon: sehr gute Arbeit)
Dein Board ist ziemlich beeindruckend, muss ich sagen. Sauberes Design, ?bersichtlich, riesiges Forum.. und alles passt sch?n zusammen. Wirklich super Arbeit.
hmm.. i don't know how to change the rights (chmod) for files thru php. and how to change user too.
when you edit the cp.css and want to make a backup.. the backup file is named cp.css.bak.php . ehm.. well just notice that, if you wanna edit "non-php" files .
Ok, I am sort of a newbie to this. I added it just fine. WOrks great to edit files. However, I am having a little issue with making a new file, and having it use the "Use the header and footer template of your style?" option for making a new file.
The line
PHP Code:
always causes an error. I am sure it is because I don't know what the flaming hades I am trying to do...but if anyone could help me, I would apreciate it. Thanks.