Version: 1.00, by EvilLS1
Developer Last Online: May 2021
Version: 3.0.6
Released: 05-13-2004
Last Update: 05-14-2004
Installs: 13
DB Changes
No support by the author.
I don't know if any of you will find this useful but its something that I've wanted for a while. For me, the problem with all of the other "who's in chat" hacks is that most of them require something crazy to work (I have no idea what an eggdrop is). Anyway, this one is php/mysql based and should be easy to install.
Description: This will add a new section to your "What's going on?" block which will display a list of users who are currently chatting or viewing the included chat.php page (see screenshot). The list of current chatters is updated every 60 seconds by an auto-refreshing (hidden) iframe in the chat page.
This hack should work with any embedded (web based) IRC chat.
Installation overview:
*Files to edit: (1) -index.php
*Files to upload: (2) -chat.php & icon_chat.gif
*Templates to edit: (1) -FORUMHOME
*Templates to add: (3) -chat_main, chat_chatters, & chat_chatbit
*Queries to run: (1) Adds the chatters table.
After that you simply add the html code to embed your chat applet in the chat_chatbit template. You can then view your chatroom by going to
Note: The list of chatters is updated every 60 seconds, so usernames will still be listed in the "who's in chat" box for up to a minute after they leave the chat page.
Credits: The idea for refreshing the iframe to update the chattime came from John's "extend session" feature in his V3Arcade hack. So thanks John.
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This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.
i installed this one and its working good, but for getting to see the online people in the whos online i have to go trough the link inside the "who's online in chat",
But i have a link in the top of the forum to go to that chat also. But if i go to the chat trough that link he wont show the online user. Can i solve that?
i installed this one and its working good, but for getting to see the online people in the whos online i have to go trough the link inside the "who's online in chat",
But i have a link in the top of the forum to go to that chat also. But if i go to the chat trough that link he wont show the online user. Can i solve that?
As long as the link points to forums/chat.php it shouldn't make any difference. Can you give me a link to your site so that I can see it for myself?
i tried to make it still stand alone from this hack, but without eggdrop that is not possible, so i did like what is normal (boooring ) and putten my irc code in the template
The wife (Internet Support Technician) seems to think you might have a corrupted IE installation. If you have the WinME CD, she suggests that you re-install IE. If you want, jumnp on the site and I will have her talk to you about it.
Go into your chat settings in you admincp and enable guest users...
Here's a question... It says to place the code here to embed my chat... which code do I place there???
The code to embed the applet. You should find it in one of the html files that came with your IRCchat software.
Here's an example (jpilot).. Yours may be slightly different depending on what kind of IRC software you have, but it should start and end with < applet > tags.
I have VBXirc chat.... I'm still not sure exactly what to add but thanks for the reply
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think VBXIRC is an actual chat software, but rather a hack that integrates PJIRC with vbulletin. The actual chat software is pjirc, so thats where you'd download the applet code. I don't know what all the integration hack does but it most likely embeds the code into a template just like this hack. Not sure if its compatible with this hack or not.
Got everything installed and works fine, but it seems like some of my members aren't showing up when they are in the Chat room on the Who's In Chat. Not that people have gone in yet but me and the co-admin are showing up but not everyone, anything I need to do to fix it
I registered at your site to test it and it seems to be working fine for me. Keep in mind that if some users join your IRC channel via their own client that they will not show up as in chat on your forum home even though they're listed in the channel. In order for them to show up on your "Who's in Chat" list they must join the channel by using your web based chat client by visiting chat.php. If they're logged into your forum and logged in to chat through chat.php their name will be listed.