// get total posts
$countposts=$DB_site->query_first('SELECT COUNT(*) AS posts FROM post');
// #######################################
Before It ADD>>
// #######################################
// Top 5 Statistics BY NanoEntity
// Top 5 Posters
$posts5 = $DB_site->query('SELECT userid,username,posts FROM user ORDER BY posts DESC LIMIT 5');
while ($posts5top = mysql_fetch_array($posts5)):
$posts5name .= "? <a href=member.php?s=$session[sessionhash]&action=getinfo&userid=$posts5top[userid]>$posts5top[username]</a><br>";
$posts5post .= "$posts5top[posts] ?<br>";
// Top 5 Posters
// Top 5 New Members
$user = $DB_site->query('SELECT userid,posts,username,joindate FROM user ORDER BY joindate DESC LIMIT 5');
while ($usertop = mysql_fetch_array($user)):
$username .= "? <a href=member.php?s=$session[sessionhash]&action=getinfo&userid=$usertop[userid]>$usertop[username]</a><br>";
$userposts .= "$usertop[posts] ?<br>";
// Top 5 New Members
// Top 5 Thread Replys
$pop = $DB_site->query('SELECT title,threadid,lastpost,lastposter,views FROM thread ORDER BY lastpost DESC LIMIT 5');
while ($poptop = mysql_fetch_array($pop)):
$popthread .= "? <a href=showthread.php?s=$session[sessionhash]&threadid=$poptop[threadid]>$poptop[title]</a><br>";
$poplastposter .= "$poptop[lastposter]<br>";
$popviews .= "$poptop[views] ?<br>";
// Top 5 Thread Replys
// Top 1 Most Popular Thread
$pop1 = $DB_site->query('SELECT title,threadid,views FROM thread ORDER BY views DESC LIMIT 1');
while ($pop1top = mysql_fetch_array($pop1)):
$pop1title .= "<a href=showthread.php?s=$session[sessionhash]&threadid=$pop1top[threadid]>$pop1top[title]</a>";
$pop1views .= "$pop1top[views]";
// Top 1 Most Popular Thread
// Top 1 Most Rated Thread
$rated = $DB_site->query('SELECT title,threadid,votenum FROM thread ORDER BY votenum DESC LIMIT 1');
while ($ratedtop = mysql_fetch_array($rated)):
$ratedtitle .= "<a href=showthread.php?s=$session[sessionhash]&threadid=$ratedtop[threadid]>$ratedtop[title]</a>";
$ratedrating .= "$ratedtop[votenum]";
// Top 1 Most Rated Thread
eval("\$top5threadstats = \"".gettemplate("hl_statistics")."\";");
// Top 5 Statistics BY NanoEntity
// #######################################
Add where ever you like>>
// #######################################
// #######################################
// #######################################
$pop = $DB_site->query("SELECT title,threadid,lastpost,lastposter,views FROM
thread WHERE forumid<>'X' AND forumid<>'Y' AND forumid<>'Z' ORDER BY
lastpost DESC LIMIT 5");
Just replace x, y and z with the forums you want to exclude,
this was not implemented becouse I didn't had time.
I am working on a better version, and with mysql CP (options) support for admin,
+ something else, (none public release), but this version is, so enjoy.
- NanoEntity (hololith.com)
// #######################################
Show Your Support
This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.
-Different bar for members and visitors
-Admins avatar plus welcome message for logged out users on stats bar
-log in feature in visitors stats bar
-hide unwanted information from certain forums
-code updated
you should post this in a text file, it kinda defeats the purpose of stopping unliscenced members download files when you just show them it in the thread
its not really shwing it with no views i do believe this is some one elses hack that was distributed earlier by another user who offered to share it and we all together resovled the problem search in requests for top5 stats or stats you will find the thread started by sarge and in the thread it tells to fix it and how
Originally posted by almightyone its not really shwing it with no views i do believe this is some one elses hack that was distributed earlier by another user who offered to share it and we all together resovled the problem search in requests for top5 stats or stats you will find the thread started by sarge and in the thread it tells to fix it and how