This will add a mini statistic to your Forum Home under Whats Going On.
It will display the "Today's Top Poster(s) on Forum Home" in your vBulletin forums.
Enable or Disable Todays top poster(s) modification
Today's top poster(s) limit to how many today's top poster showing
Today's top poster(s) exclude certain users
Today's top poster(s) exclude certain usergroups
Today's top poster(s) exclude certain forums
Added an option to include a list of allowed usergroups so we'll be able to configure it in order to make visible only for selected usergroups
Today's top poster(s) - Rolling 24 Hours
Today's top poster(s) Location
Today's top poster(s) Dispay Pictures
Today's top poster(s) Size Thumbnails
Changed Today's top poster(s) layout to new better look
Add 1 query to forumhome
just import the todays_top_poster.xml product file via admincp -> product manager -> import/export products
Tested on:
vBulletin 3.7.x
vBulletin 3.8.x
Question: What are the new features in Version 2.0? Answer: See Screenshot Below
Does anyone have this mod installed with "Members Who Have Visited Today" mod? I'd like to know where this one goes... I hope under the "Members Who Have Visited Today" statistics?
Please check your Today's TopPoster(s) Settings via Admincp there's a permission for usergroups
I am in AdminCp -> VB Options -> Today's TopPoster(s) Settings
I am admin, that is ticked and greyed out by default, i have also selected any additional usergroups that post on the forum.
It worked before when it was showing within the Statistics or the Currently Active Users display (cant remember off the top of my head what one it was)
Since the update that gave this mod its own display box, ive been unable to get it to appear, is there maybe something i need to add to my FORUMHOME template?
(NOTE - the admin usergroup is not included in the top posters but should be able to view the display box)
I am in AdminCp -> VB Options -> Today's TopPoster(s) Settings
I am admin, that is ticked and greyed out by default, i have also selected any additional usergroups that post on the forum.
It worked before when it was showing within the Statistics or the Currently Active Users display (cant remember off the top of my head what one it was)
Since the update that gave this mod its own display box, ive been unable to get it to appear, is there maybe something i need to add to my FORUMHOME template?
Search this code in FORUMHOME template
PHP Code:
if you don't have this code add this above code after this below code
Looked into this a bit further, the (4) and (1) posts were made by a moderator and an admin on the site, these usergroups are not meant to appear in the top posters, their username doesnt show but the amount of posts do, it works correctly if no-one is excluded.