Want to teach your Tombot? vBTeachbot adds an option in your Admin CP that will let you teach the bot directly - it will instantly be able to answer your questions.
I have installed the most recent version and i would just like to say Thanks to Martin becuase this is such an amazing hack.
Also, Is anyone working on the system where users (not mods/admin) and submit new q's + a's to the bot but require them to be validated by a mod or admin before they are added.
Same here, Amy. I'm trying to teach the answer to the question "Who rocks the world?" with the answer being Matt Nathanson, but I've added that question/answer repeatedly in there and it always replies with some other name, like Konrad Zuse or Charlie Parker or Linus Torvalds.
So yeah, I'd like to know why it isn't entirely working either, but I'd also like to replace its brain with Anna instead I think.
Automated: I was going to get hellsatan help me with that, but haven't started yet...
That sounds great man. When do you Think that it will be ready? I am really looking forward to this! If there is anything i can do please let me know, although i cannot do much as i am not a PHP programmer.
I am also starting a new site that will be a whole forum devoted to increasing The Chatbot's conversationional Skills.
Amy and Pete, try this: Empty the tables I listed earlier, before trying to teach the bot new questions. Also, skip the question mark in your questions. I hope that helps. Please be aware of that the bot will not always answer correctly to all questions, due to the fact that it's interfearing with old aiml, but I've found it to be able to answer most of them.
Martin, I don't have any tables associated with your hack, as I only installed it as of v2.0. I also do leave out the question marks but it still appears to not answer correctly.
Most likely I'll just keep playing with it, though.
That has nothing to do with it, Crazy Pete, and besides, my hack doesn't add any tables.
The reason you should empty the tables is because otherwise the bot might just reply with things it's said earlier if that exact question has been asked earlier.
Let say you ask the bot this question:
"Who is Crazy Pete?"
The bot replies with a standard answer like this:
"I remember faces better than names"
Then you go and add this question through vBteachbot, and expect it to return the correct answer. So you ask the bot again:
"Who is Crazy Pete?"
The bot thinks...ohh...someone has asked this earlier, I'll use that line again:
"I remember faces better than names"
However, if you empty the old tables the bot will not remember what's been said to it, and it will return the correct answer (the answer you taught it)