Version: , by tubedogg
Developer Last Online: Dec 2016
Version: 2.2.x
Released: 06-02-2001
Last Update: Never
Installs: 161
No support by the author.
Thanks to Bane there has been a complete reworking of the installation/instructions for this hack. It is now up to date for 2.0.3 and the installer runs exactly like the vB install/upgrade scripts do.
There is no demo as I don't currently use stars on my board.
For version: 2.0.3
Files needed: stars.php
Files to edit: newthread.php, newreply.php, admin/misc.php, admin/index.php, admin/usergroup.php, register.php and possibly stars.php
Templates to edit: postbit
Instructions: Upload install_starshack.php and stars.php to your admin directory. Go to and login, then follow the on-screen instructions.
Upgrade information: If you have previously installed the stars hack, make sure you choose the "upgrade" option on the screen mentioned in the instructions. If you have previously installed this version (using install_starshack.php), you MUST STILL use the upgrade option even if you are reinstalling or you will get database errors.
Please reinstall using the newest instructions (they can be obtained from the first post in this thread) and if you still have problems then, please repost.
I just ran the un-installer (wanted a fresh start) and I am still missing all of my "profile" icons in the thread displays. I am baffled why this has happened, since no changes were made which affect the $post[profile] variable in the postbit template.
I started fresh again, installed this hack. Now when I post a thread in a forum. I get credit for the post, the forum gets credit for the thred. Yet when I go back ot the thread or something in the forum it's not there.
Great hack.. can't wait till it works, but I have some problems!
This is coming on the mainpage (Boardhome):
Warning: Cannot add header information - headers already sent by (output started at c:\http\www\vvb\admin\functions.php:2109) in c:\http\www\vvb\admin\functions.php on line 1466
and I get these when I'm trying to connect to the admin CP:
Warning: Cannot add header information - headers already sent by (output started at c:\http\www\vvb\admin\functions.php:2109) in c:\http\www\vvb\admin\functions.php on line 1466
Warning: Cannot add header information - headers already sent by (output started at c:\http\www\vvb\admin\functions.php:2109) in c:\http\www\vvb\admin\functions.php on line 1466
Warning: Cannot add header information - headers already sent by (output started at c:\http\www\vvb\admin\functions.php:2109) in c:\http\www\vvb\admin\global.php on line 133
Warning: Cannot add header information - headers already sent by (output started at c:\http\www\vvb\admin\functions.php:2109) in c:\http\www\vvb\admin\global.php on line 159
Does anybody know what I can do about it?
TuPPerWaR: Please enter your license information in your profile. See the link in my sig for more info. Thanks!
LuBi: Seeing as how my hack touches neither the thread or post tables, nor the forumdisplay.php file, I fail to see how it could possibly produce that effect. Not saying it's not happening, but if it is, something else is wrong.