Originally Posted by kris
mute, can you share how did you archive post table ? What changes did you do in code and MySQL ? I want to move my old posts to another post_archive table but I am not sure how can I join those tables from vbulletin code.
REALLY nasty. I really don't think you want to do it. In fact, I'm thinking about abandoning it on our site.
Back when we wrote it, we were probably at like 25 million posts, on (if I remember right), like a dual xeon with HT. Now, we're on a Quad Quad xeon box with 16gb of ram. We have 30 million in our archived tables (10x3 mill posts each) + 30 million in our post table. I'm not seeing any slowdowns against the post table, which has me wondering if we'd be seeing any slowdowns if I was pulling against all 60 million in one table, given how much faster our CPUs have gotten and how much ram we have sitting around.