Originally Posted by Spinball
Bing! You maxed out on the arrogantometer there, mate.
It was not intended to sound arrogant. If it sounded like that, I apologize. I simply wanted to let Andrew and others that I do not deal with small code modifications, but large projects that are highly tested before they are implemented. I just finished a project for a client that had the work effort evaluated at $7,000.
If you need
Sphinx search implemented, you will not get only this product, but also a set of optimizations that will improve your overall board performance by 300%. We are talking about several classes and function files what manage an agressive cache system intended to replace intensive queries performed into vBulletin. Since the search is an issue into vBulletin, you will consider this as an optimization, along with the other improvements.
This is a solution for large board owners, not the average Joe who has only one server.