Okay, I see where I missed a step. Thank you for the reply. What would you recommend I do at this point?
it doesnt really matter, its not a very significant step but just a precaution incase a user may of submitted something that could throw off the upgrade while in the process of upgrading but your upgrade turned out fine. it was merely a precaution
I had a feeling this was the case, but it would be nice to have the turn on / turn off feature again. Can you advise?
Paul: I don't really know. :ermm: I haven't really had a chance to look closely at what's going on here, I just did the upgrade last night and then quickly tried to fix the broken slashes showing up in entries and comments. Not really knowing what the vulnerabilities were that inspired the changes in the first place, I'm having a hard time figuring out how to fix the fix.
An-Net: This is what the entrytext from the journal_entries table looks like for a pre-upgrade entry:
This journal is going to be news-specific. I\'m interested in understanding the world. A grandiose goal, yes, but at least the world is finite. It\'s a come-down from my adolescent desire to achieve Godlike knowledge.
So to give you an idea of what I\'ll be blogging about for you to judge whether you might be interested in reading it, I will be posting and writing about current events, perhaps illuminated by my meager reading of history. I\'m quite interested in politics, as well as social issues; I like to keep up with major scientific events. I\'ll probably never post anything about sports.
And this is the entrytext from a brand new entry:
This is a test entry, created just now and usin' apostrophes in various random places, just so I can figure out what is and isn't working here.
ill look at this when i get home from work 2night. is it just affecting new entries or old ones as well?
Ok, did a search on this thread with no luck, My settings are not saving? What's causing that? I went back and checked the file mods, it's all there. Also I'm missing the phrases for the settings?
Ok, i got the phrases, it was missing, just one for odd reason, can_report_entries, added it and it works now.
Settings still not saving.
Ok got the savings working, but "Time(in seconds) Between Journal Entries,Comments, and Reportings:" still dosn't save
i am very interested in this mod, but the interface is one I do not favor. maybe something more of a blog look would help for new comers and also just a better feel of the whole system.
I love your features, just the interface drives me away ... I was checking and actually, one site I see has a cool interface. This was actually a vB2 one that was converted to a wBB board.
I attached images of the more simple Journal, but I don't like the whole "simple" thing ... I like your features, this is just a suggested user interface that seems blog-ish.
this is JUST a suggestion of a interface IDEA. Take it or not, just here to help is all.
Hi, I just installed the script, and everything is working great, except for one little problem. After the install, I clicked on user cp to send a private message to someone.
To save myself the problem of explaining this weird problem, I made a test account for you guys to login and see for yourself.