Version: , by Scott MacVicar
Developer Last Online: Mar 2016
Version: 2.2.x
Released: 11-02-2001
Last Update: Never
Installs: 131
No support by the author.
A nice link in the post which allows moderators, super moderators and admins to edit the signature of other users. There is also protection to stop the user changing the signature of other admins and moderators. A nice tick box is also present to allow you to suspend the signature without having to type in the message.
Hack suggested by Matt.
Last updated 21st January 2002 14:25 GMT
Updated to allow the original admin, ie the person with userid 1 to edit the sigs of any user via this interface instead of having to go to the admin panel. Sorted a bug with this that only let the person with userid 1 update.
Please everyone download the file and apply the changes to moderator.php again
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Originally posted by Sunmoon This hack looks perfect for what I need.
Everything seems to work, except that no matter what user I try it on (and with me logged in as Administrator,) I get the following when I click Edit signature in teh popup box.
"Farghan Shadehunter is an admin and you are unable to edit their signature. "
I have the same problem...
For some reason, the code is checking who *I* am... because I get told that I'm editing an admin (no matter who I edit) and one of our super mods gets told the same person is a mod.
BTW... there is a mind-numbingly easy way to do the forced suspend sig... I implemented it myself as I hacked this in (mind you, I didn't touch the code that checks for editsig_error, so that's not the reason why)
Add a field to the user table called "suspendsig"
Change the query in the editor that updates the sig to change suspendsig to 1 if suspend was checked,
THEN, in the buildpostbit part of functions.php... after all the code that sets sigs...
Add an eval that sets $post[signature] to equal editsig_suspended
They're old sig is intact, and in fact they can edit it.
It just doesn't get displayed!
Thus you don't clutter up the DB with a second sig field. Just one extra INT.
Of course, you have to add the settings in the CP and that too, as well as whatever else... but it's your hack... I just let you know how I would do it.
Sounds like a plan Palmer, just not sure if I have quite the technical prowess to do that. Would doing what you suggested, allow PPN's hack to work in its current state?
Originally posted by PPN ok i've checked my code and it all looks fine
$perms=getpermissions(0, $userid);
that gets the permission for forumid 0 for the userid which is specified, it then does a check to see the permissions of that user
if($perms[ismoderator] || $perms[cancontrolpanel] || $ismod=$DB_site->query_first("SELECT * FROM moderator WHERE userid=$userid")) {
then checks to see which one they are, if i've taken the getpermissions function wrong then could someone please tell me
I'm sorry, PPN, and please excuse me if I'm outta line. But which problem are you addressing in the above quote? The problem I'm having with editing the sig of admins and other moderators (as admin), or the problem with the forced suspend signature?