Is this going to be ported as a plugin for 3.5.3 ?
Also can you make this to give a servertoobusy search is disabled when using the search feature and suggest that if they upgrade there membership they wont get this messages.You can then control which groups are excluded from the server laod message and have the search feature disabled.
For example if you are a registered memeber and the server load is high ONLY when in trying to do a search they will get the above message. And when a registered members upgrades there membership to lets just say Premium Member they now longer will get the server load message and will be able to search at any time.
Is this going to be ported as a plugin for 3.5.3 ?
Also can you make this to give a servertoobusy search is disabled when using the search feature and suggest that if they upgrade there membership they wont get this messages.You can then control which groups are excluded from the server laod message and have the search feature disabled.
For example if you are a registered memeber and the server load is high ONLY when in trying to do a search they will get the above message. And when a registered members upgrades there membership to lets just say Premium Member they now longer will get the server load message and will be able to search at any time.
<if condition="!is_member_of($bbuserinfo, array(3,5,7))">
<if condition="is_member_of($bbuserinfo, UsergroupID)"> code here </if>
// Configure some usergroups to bypass "servertoobusy" message
// Enter the usergroup id's here, seperated by comma
// Example: $BypassGroup = '5,6';
$BypassGroup = '138,140';
// End configuration
if (in_array($vbulletin->userinfo['usergroupid'], explode(',', $BypassGroup))) {
$servertoobusy = FALSE;
// Configure some usergroups to bypass "servertoobusy" message
// Enter the usergroup id's here, seperated by comma
// Example: $BypassGroup = '5,6';
$BypassGroup = '138,140';
// End configuration
if (is_member_of($vbulletin->userinfo['usergroupid'], explode(',', $BypassGroup))) {
$servertoobusy = FALSE;
I think the concept is awesome, but I'm just wondering, isn't that a message that is somehow generated by your server if you've exceeded the number of max visitors at once for your account or something? I was just wondering where the message comes from so I can understand better.
I think the concept is awesome, but I'm just wondering, isn't that a message that is somehow generated by your server if you've exceeded the number of max visitors at once for your account or something? I was just wondering where the message comes from so I can understand better.
The message comes from vB. There is a setting in vB for at what level of server load you want to stop more folks from getting into the site. If the server load passes it, you get this message.