Well, this was asked for by many people (me included ) without ever being done so I recruited some of my more knowledgable friends in php to get the syntax right for the following hack.
It is done with 2 file edits but I'm sure that it could be done with a plugin if someone ever feels the need...
Special thanks goes to non vB users Darryn, Pink, DO, and Dang for the helping me with syntax and pointing me in the right direction to get this done.
(you may modify this hack at will... No permission needs to be granted)
Just installed on 3.5.1 and still works with no problem... Just changing the vB version EDIT2:
Just installed on 3.5.2 and still works with no problem... Just changing the vB version EDIT3:
Just installed on 3.5.3 and still works with no problem... Just changing the vB version EDIT4:
Works for 3.5.4
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If somebody could combine this with a "Subscribe whole Forum"-Thread, this is a great Newsletter-Tool.
Well, all parts are existing somewhere already. So just some kind of "wishlist":
Give users an Option called "HTML or plain-text-mails"
Make two Textareas, one for the plain text, one for the html, in the Backend.
Now the Newsletter-Funktionality is easy. User can choice between HTML, Plain Text or "no eMails". For sending a Newsletter you can just write the plain-text in the one, the HTML in the other Box and each user get?s the one he wants to have.
Next point: Inster "alternate" eMail-Texts. So notifier-Mails for new PMs, for new posts and so on are also sent in HTML, if the user wants to.
Built up an "subscribe to forum"-Funktion. I?m using vBa with one forum-thread for the news on the start-page. When a User can subscribe the forum (one mail for every first post of a new thread in a forum ore a weekly overview over the first post of all new threads) then there is a great interactive Newsletter-function.
This would be a great Newsletter-Hack with lots of good ways in it. The newsletter can work automatically (subscribe new threads of news-forum), choisable in HTML or plain-text, it can be choisen by the user if he wants it instant or weekly (or monthly?), the save subscribe- and unsubscribe-links are built-in in vBulletin already an extra-newsletter can be sent manualy with the backend, users can sign-off easily in the backend ... what do you think?
Two nice add-ons:
Get the variables "new PMs", "new threads", "new pagers", "profile-views" and so on into this eMail. So a user sees in each eMail, how many PMs he has and so on. We could also put it "new users" or "new member-fotos" and so on, to get all of the users more and more in action.
A backend-advertisement-control. Let?s say we put in an $advertisement in the mail-templates, then in the admincp can be managed with usergroups and other queries (reputation, genter, ZIP-Code and so on) which one of different predifined advertisements are put into each eMail, text or HTML. So all "active" users can get an advertisement for a paied VIP-Account, all inactive users can be invited to get more active, all new users can get some hints for special funktions/hacks in the forums and so on.
For this all, working fine, I would immediate donate 150$ for the programmer. Somebody else also?
Are there rules we are supposed to follow on how to write the mails? Only certain tags supported? I entered HTML as though it was a web-page (with <head> and <body> and everything)!
Have a read of this HTMLemail design document - especially the section titled 'Testing & Troubleshooting Your Email Designs'.
Am I right in assuming this mod doesn't sendemail using the Multipart/Alternative MIME format? - there's no facility to include a plain-text alternative version of the email.
More on this format:
"You need to sendHTMLemail from your server in Multipart-Alternative MIME format. Basically, that means your mail transfer agent bundles your HTML code, PLUS a plain-text version of the message, together into one email. That way, if a recipient cant view your beautiful HTMLemail, the good-oldfashioned plain-text version of your message is auto-magically displayed. Its kind of a nerdy gobbledy-geek thing, which is why a lot of people mess things up when they try to sendHTMLemail themselves. You either need to program a script to sendemail in multipart/alternative MIME format, or just use an outside vendor to deliver things for you."