it is a really good mod, but i don't want to install it if i don't have any control over it.
i really need an admin section to check users aren't adding literally everyone to their list, and i need to be able to monitor new guests (like perverts and such ((as i run a teenager forum for a certain location )) and make sure people with 0 - 20 posts aren't adding more than 1 or 2 people )
some equation like, 1 person added per 10 posts (without informing them they need to post more to receive another, but rather inform them they will receive another slot "very soon" )
it is a really good mod, but i don't want to install it if i don't have any control over it.
i really need an admin section to check users aren't adding literally everyone to their list, and i need to be able to monitor new guests (like perverts and such ((as i run a teenager forum for a certain location )) and make sure people with 0 - 20 posts aren't adding more than 1 or 2 people )
some equation like, 1 person added per 10 posts (without informing them they need to post more to receive another, but rather inform them they will receive another slot "very soon" )
I'll look at building X admirations per Y post count as an option.
This can be an alternative method of prevent flooding alongside the time based method currently available.
I could also do a usergroup based permissioning, this would let you use promotions to control the availability of the secretadmirer thing via thresholds that you define through the promotion system.
Thus far there is no reporting whatsoever, and I'm afraid that whilst I understand your concerns re: perverts, I shall not be building a reporting system for this as I do not want my users to believe that just because I created a reporting function I do such things as examine who admired who, etc.
However, I'm not a closed source hack writer, and anyone who wants to make such changes and additions can do, and I will happily roll them into the first post for new vBulletin admins to get if they wish to use reporting tools with this hack.
The function it can't find is within the functions_secretadmirer.php file that you should have uploaded to your includes folder.
Could you check that you have done this.
If you have done this, have you changed your includes folder from the default path (it's looking relative to the profile.php file for a subfolder named 'includes').
If you have done both of those... have you in any way modified the chunk of code that the install instructions asked you to put into profile.php? Specifically the chunk of logic that currently looks like thus:
Therein lies the function calls and the include statement. If it cannot find the file containing the functions within the includes folder then it will not be able to call the function
Try that first (checking the file is where it should be).
All of my forum files are in the site root, and my includes folder is a subdirectory of this. I have added the code to profile.php as required...
I guess I should have also let you know that I get this error when clicking the link in the profile, to register romantic interest... Just to let you know. I was also admiring myself as a test - this seemed to work when I had 3.01 installed - it was working 100% [I'm now re-hacking for the 3.03 upgrade]. I'm usually pretty good at tracking errors down, even though I'm not too PHP savvy, but this is beyond me heh.
I am trying to install this, but I dont understand the mySQL part. could someone explain how I install this part in more detail please. The rest seems fairly striaght forward.