Features include global settings, advertisements allowing template conditionals, ad sharing and ad revenue sharing, timed advertisements, preset popular ad locations and functions such as sponsors, additional custom ad locations, random and static advertisements and its all very easy to use. You can use it for ordinary ads like adsense, banner rotations, or any content at all as well as using it to manage ads outside your forum too.
If you are using autoinsertion and were using vB Ad Management before version 4.00, you will need to remove your old template edits or advertisements will appear multiple times. Just reverse the old instructions below.
* Find <!-- post $post[postid] popup menu --> and paste $postbit_advertisement above it in your postbit & postbit_legacy templates.
* Paste $forumbit_advertisement at the bottom of your forumhome_forumbit_level1_post and forumhome_forumbit_level2_post templates.
* Paste $threadbit_advertisement at the bottom of your threadbit template.
* Paste $footer_advertisement at the top of your footer template.
* Find $spacer_close in your footer template and below it paste $rightcolumn_advertisement.
* Find in your header template and replace it with $header_advertisement.
* Find $spacer_open in your header template and below it paste $leftcolumn_advertisement.
Show Your Support
This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.
great mod installed but some reason when i log off the sponser link dont show or if i log in to any other member group other than admin? I aint sure what is wrong?
I have noticed that when I enter a google adsense code to display within a forum post or under the forumlist it throws the entire template off the screen. Is there a way to wrap these code within a table or fix it so it does not throw the style off?
great mod installed but some reason when i log off the sponser link dont show or if i log in to any other member group other than admin? I aint sure what is wrong?
Double check your usergroup settings in the global settings section. If you want Guests to be able to see the advertisements for instance, you should have a 1 in the "Enable for Usergroups" entry and not have a 1 in the NOT enable section.
Originally Posted by bada_bing
I have noticed that when I enter a google adsense code to display within a forum post or under the forumlist it throws the entire template off the screen. Is there a way to wrap these code within a table or fix it so it does not throw the style off?
First mod I have tried to install and of course I screwed it up. Went through instruction but don't see anything - anywhere - On board or in cp. I must be missing something. Should I just start over? I feel dumb.
I did all of this...
Upload the product using the Product Manager.
Go to Style Manager > Edit Templates and...
Find <!-- post $post[postid] popup menu --> and paste $postbit_advertisement above it in your postbit & postbit_legacy templates.
v2.0 Paste $forumbit_advertisement at the bottom of your forumhome_forumbit_level1_post and forumhome_forumbit_level2_post templates.
v2.0 Paste $threadbit_advertisement at the bottom of your threadbit template.
v2.0 Paste $footer_advertisement at the top of your footer template.
v2.0 Find $spacer_close in your footer template and below it paste $rightcolumn_advertisement.
v2.0 Find in your header template and replace it with $header_advertisement.
v2.0 Find $spacer_open in your header template and below it paste $leftcolumn_advertisement.
What else needs to be done? Where do I add the advertising scripts?
All the rest is done via a Control Panel interface. There are several new sections added to AdminCP > vBulletin Options. They should be at the bottom of the list.
Do we need to register to see what you are referring to?
Yes..I havent yet played with the permissions yet.. If you can tell me where to set it so everyone can view I can change it.. The forum is not live yet so no new members are allowed but if you need me to create you an id I can , I have attached some screen shots above this post though