Features include global settings, advertisements allowing template conditionals, ad sharing and ad revenue sharing, timed advertisements, preset popular ad locations and functions such as sponsors, additional custom ad locations, random and static advertisements and its all very easy to use. You can use it for ordinary ads like adsense, banner rotations, or any content at all as well as using it to manage ads outside your forum too.
If you are using autoinsertion and were using vB Ad Management before version 4.00, you will need to remove your old template edits or advertisements will appear multiple times. Just reverse the old instructions below.
* Find <!-- post $post[postid] popup menu --> and paste $postbit_advertisement above it in your postbit & postbit_legacy templates.
* Paste $forumbit_advertisement at the bottom of your forumhome_forumbit_level1_post and forumhome_forumbit_level2_post templates.
* Paste $threadbit_advertisement at the bottom of your threadbit template.
* Paste $footer_advertisement at the top of your footer template.
* Find $spacer_close in your footer template and below it paste $rightcolumn_advertisement.
* Find in your header template and replace it with $header_advertisement.
* Find $spacer_open in your header template and below it paste $leftcolumn_advertisement.
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This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.
Just taken a look at search_results_postbit and I agree. I'll add it to the next version. I didn't include any search templates because of Google's TOS, but of course that doesn't apply to everyone so...
Styling is unlikely to ever be done via the AdminCP. it's very unwieldy, especially since there's no way to hook CSS into the forum's existing stylesheet. And more to the point there's so many ways people might want to format, I could never cover them all. The options would be huge! It's likely to be template edits all the way.
Navbar you can already do if you need. Just change the template edit to $GLOBALS[$header_advertisement] (I think it is, it's discussed earlier in the thread for vBCMPS) and add it to the navbar template instead of the header template. But the thought does occur that I could add perhaps two "miscellanous" adcode sections which can be placed anywhere at all in case someone wants a header template and a navbar template, for instance.
Yeah, when I was making the template changes it occured to me that it problably doesn't make sense to put the formatting in the AdminCP.
Some Miscellaneous sections would be nice. I was redoing my Navbar anyway, I just hard coded the phpAdsNew code in the Navbar. We have ads in both the header and the Navbar (http://forum.voxilla.com/).
I'm not using the left and right columns, so I guess I could retask one of those for the Navbar. The reason we started using your mod was to move the ads into the thread and post bit area. We had a wide skyscraper, but we didn't like the wasted space below the ad right column.
I still need to do some tweaking, like sending the ad post position information back to phpAdsNew, so we can track which ad positions work best.
sorry if this is a repeat question, but with 17 pages its hard to sort through
here is what i want to do
display header and footer ads to all users
display thread/forum/post ads to all users except premium members
i see i can set users that see ads by user and group, but i only see this at a global option, not per ad type/location, am i missing it? or is it not there
A possible bug I found. If you copy and paste the Google Adsense code into the static header/footer box and save it, the ad WILL show up. However, if you put the same code into the rotation banner box with another banners code, the Google Adsense ads don't show correctly. The other banner shows fine.