Features include global settings, advertisements allowing template conditionals, ad sharing and ad revenue sharing, timed advertisements, preset popular ad locations and functions such as sponsors, additional custom ad locations, random and static advertisements and its all very easy to use. You can use it for ordinary ads like adsense, banner rotations, or any content at all as well as using it to manage ads outside your forum too.
If you are using autoinsertion and were using vB Ad Management before version 4.00, you will need to remove your old template edits or advertisements will appear multiple times. Just reverse the old instructions below.
* Find <!-- post $post[postid] popup menu --> and paste $postbit_advertisement above it in your postbit & postbit_legacy templates.
* Paste $forumbit_advertisement at the bottom of your forumhome_forumbit_level1_post and forumhome_forumbit_level2_post templates.
* Paste $threadbit_advertisement at the bottom of your threadbit template.
* Paste $footer_advertisement at the top of your footer template.
* Find $spacer_close in your footer template and below it paste $rightcolumn_advertisement.
* Find in your header template and replace it with $header_advertisement.
* Find $spacer_open in your header template and below it paste $leftcolumn_advertisement.
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This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.
I am using B4 - so your suggesting on waiting on reporting bugs, you are basicly
saying just release 4 then worry about the bugs. the reason for beta is to find
the bugs and fix them, not wait, who wants a stable v4 full of bugs?
I am using B4 - so your suggesting on waiting on reporting bugs, you are basicly
saying just release 4 then worry about the bugs. the reason for beta is to find
the bugs and fix them, not wait, who wants a stable v4 full of bugs?
+/- 75% of the users' questions still refer to problems with 3.14b
Both that and Sponsored Links are a phrase. You can either edit the phrase to change it across all templates, or edit it in each template individually.
this is a little vague to me, exactly which files are you refering to edit?
I also see that you did get the sponsor section working, what did you do? or
did i do something wrong? I also noticed you turned postbit on also, did you
notice it was posting a banner after every single post...im not sure if you checked
everything else or not...I also noticed no ads in private msgs when i sent
myself a msg, although, i do not remember seeing anything specific in admin
relating to private msg adcode setup.
Hi, yes. The repeating postbit problem was a bug, my mistake. The others were errors in your advertisement setup, most importantly you must either make the template edits manually or automatically, not both. That's why you had 2 copies of ads in some places.
Originally Posted by bchertov
RedTyger, any guestimates about releasing 4.0?
Do you think it's likely to be released by the end of February?
End of today, if I'm quick.
OpenAds seems to be the most popular ad software to use with his modification based on what I've heard.
Did you happen to fix the bug? or do i need to wait for the release of v4? what do you mean by editing the templates automatically? I did what your instructions said, I uploaded the files, and xml, I opened the templates and placed the advertisement lines above this, or below that, do i need to remove those advertisement lines in those templates?
can you explain in better detail about the errors?
Did you happen to fix the bug? or do i need to wait for the release of v4? what do you mean by editing the templates automatically? I did what your instructions said, I uploaded the files, and xml, I opened the templates and placed the advertisement lines above this, or below that, do i need to remove those advertisement lines in those templates?
can you explain in better detail about the errors?
The instructions in this thread were for the old version (now gone). The instructions for the beta were in the manual.
I removed what I saw, but yes if you are using automatic template edits and find your ads appearing twice, you should remove the advertisement lines in the templates.
All ads are visible on the forums for my normal users, but on my "admin" forum they are not there... Nothing..
That forum is only visible for the admins so mayby it has something to do with that?