Version: 1.2, by ResaleBroker
Developer Last Online: Feb 2014
Version: 3.0.7
Released: 06-22-2005
Last Update: 05-01-2006
Installs: 173
Template Edits
Code Changes
No support by the author.
This simple modification will add a content box in the User CP displaying the user's "Referral Count", "Referral Link" and a "Referral Message" that can can be customized in the Phrase Manager.
For 3.5.x or higher simply install the product.
For 3.0.x follow the instructions below:
1) Modify USERCP template
Admin CP >> Style Manager >> Edit Templates >> User control Panel Templates >> USERCP
2) Add the Required Phrase
Admin CP >> Language & Phrases >> Phrase Manager >> Add New Phrase
Phrase Type:
<p>Please help us spread the word about "{1}." When referring others to the community you can use the link below which includes your unique referral ID.</p>
<p>Each time someone follows this link to {1} and registers as a new member, your referral count will be incremented by one.</p>
<p>Please be courteous when promoting {1} by not spamming other web sites with your referral link just to gain referrals.</p>
<fieldset id="referrallink"><legend>Referral Link for {4} </legend><a href="{5}">{5}</a></fieldset>
OK I manually installed this on my V 3.5.4 and actually changed the phrase so the link for the referral would not be a link any more but instead just text making it easier to copy and paste.
My question is.... I saw int he screen shot something that was a link to automatically email to a friend but it is not showing up in my User CP.
Originally Posted by ResaleBroker
That is not part of the mod. That was added separate.
Originally Posted by Boofo
Do you want me to add this to the XML, sir.
Can someone provide instructions on how the "automatic email" feature was added separately, and what it does? Is it a separate modification that needs to be installed?
Here's what I did, maybe it's the same as what others have done. Obviously, it will only work if the user has their email client setup correctly. I made my $vbphrase[refid_usercp]:
<p>Please help us spread the word about "{1}." When referring others to the community you can use the link below which includes your own unique referral ID.
<p>Each time someone follows this link to {1} and registers as a new member, your referral count will be incremented by one. The total number of referrals you currently have can always be viewed at the top of this box (next to {1} {2}) as well as in your <a href="{3}">{4}</a>.
<p>Please be courteous when promoting {1} by not spamming other web sites and/or email addresses with your referral link just to gain referrals.
<fieldset id="referrallink"><legend>Referral Link for {5} </legend><a href="mailto:?subject=Join us on VFRworld!&body=I would like to invite you to join us on VFRworld, the premier website for everything about the Honda VF/VFR Interceptor!%0d%0a%0d%0a{6}"{6}>{6}</a></fieldset>
Hello Volarium,
The "Email to Friend" link is not part of this mod. That is an additional mod that was installed on that forum at the time of the screenshot.
If the "Email to Friend" mod is available for the version of vBulletin that you're running you could add the link information to your UserCP template by either hand coding or building a plug-in.
$refcount = $db->query_first("SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "user WHERE referrerid = '".$vbulletin->userinfo['userid']."'"); this the line from what i see.
this is my code remember i'm now using 3.6.5
$refcount = $DB_site->query_first("SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "user WHERE referrerid = '".$bbuserinfo['userid']."'");
$referrals = vb_number_format($refcount['count']);