Version: 1.00, by Boofo
Developer Last Online: Jun 2012
Category: Private Messages Enhancements -
Version: 3.5.4
Released: 05-10-2006
Last Update: Never
Installs: 48
Uses Plugins Template Edits
No support by the author.
Quote Post in PM
This is an update to amykhar's original Quote Post in PM hack. Since she is busy and doesn't have the time to dedicate to supporting her version of this hack like she would like to, she has asked me to release this in place of her original hack. This is basically amy's hack with a few minor fixes so all the credit goes to her.
This plugin now passes the username of the post to the PM as well as the post title (if there is one), or thread title (if there is not a post title). It is also set up for the /me code hack parsing (thanks goes out to Hellcat for that fix). And for anyone interested, Hellcat's version of the /me action code hack works 100 percent in vB3.5.4., in both posts and PMs.
In the attached ZIP file there are 3 icons for the pmquote.gif. Just choose the one you want and rename it to pmquote.gif and you should be all set.
This is a plug-in and not a product, so upload it as a plug-in.
A special thanks goes out to peterska2 for helping me along the way. Without her prodding and extensive testing, this might never have gotten done.
I haven't had time to look at it yet with everything going on around here and rebilding my site after losing EVERYTHING due to a server HD crash 2 days ago, with the only backup being on the same HD that crashed. Patience, my friend.
FYI, I requested this excellent hack be installed here on As a result, Brad installed it just a few minutes ago. That's quite an endorsement of your work.
Congrats Boofo, and special thanks to all the coders that helped make the hack happen. :up:
FYI, I requested this excellent hack be installed here on As a result, Brad installed it just a few minutes ago. That's quite an endorsement of your work.
Congrats Boofo, and special thanks to all the coders that helped make the hack happen. :up:
Thank you, sir, for letting me know. I'm not sure what to say.
[high]* Boofo would to thank his mother, his manager and all the little people who made this possible. You like me![/high]
If you ever have some free time, I was wondering if you could convert this hack so you could basically quote a PM and use it to start a new thread? i've been stuck cutting and pasting, but it is beyond my coding abilities to create a system where you can click on a button when you're reading a PM and then choose a forum and title for a new thread with that PM quoted in the first post.
i have many times had a really good PM and i wanted to turn it into a thread because i thought everyone could benefit by the reply.