Version: 1.00, by KuraFire
Developer Last Online: Nov 2023
Version: 2.2.x
Released: 01-19-2003
Last Update: Never
Installs: 61
No support by the author.
HACK: [AddOn] Useful Additions to QuickReply box & Normal Reply page
BY: KuraFire []
REQUESTED BY: My left brainhalf. *gives credit*
DESCRIPTION: Puts several small additions to the QuickReply box, as well as some to the normal Reply page.
INSTALL-TIME: 10-15 minutes + time for FireFly/Chen's QuickReply box if you haven't installed that yet
!! NOTE: instructions updated on 22:19 CET* - make sure to clear your cache and re-download if you downloaded it already!
(* = see edit of this post timestamp for your own time)
What this hack do is simple: it adds a Signature checkbox, E-mail notification checkbox, and a Return-to dropdown box to your Quick Reply box (hack by FireFly). For Admins and Mods, it also adds two checkboxes: Close thread, and Stick thread (so that you can stick/unstick & close/open threads when you make a reply).
On the normal Reply page, it adds the same stuff minus Signature and E-mail checkboxes, of course (as they are already there ).
Files to hack: newreply.php, showthread.php
Templates to mod: showthread_replybox*, newreply, newpost_attachment
Instructions are in the Attachment
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This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.
03-02-03 at 04:31 PM L-Mane said this in Post #48 I get this error when I use this
Database error in vBulletin 2.3.0:
Invalid SQL: UPDATE forum SET replycount=replycount+1,lastpost='1046640222',last poster='Leyonssio',sticky='0',open='1' WHERE forumid IN (18,4,-1)
mysql error: Unknown column 'sticky' in 'field list'
Invalid SQL: UPDATE forum SET replycount=replycount+1,lastpost='1048543014',lastposter='Yuber',sticky='0',open='0' WHERE forumid IN (5,3,-1)
mysql error: Unknown column 'sticky' in 'field list'
mysql error number: 1054
Also the optinos for This Thread, This Forum, and Homepage do not work, Ialways am returned to the thread.
03-21-03 at 09:18 PM Skyrender said this in Post #51 When ever anybody tries to post with the quickreply hack on my board it says: Invalid thread please contact webmaster.
Then I tried installing it again and I got the same thing.
Did you get that before installing this hack? Because there is a fix in the QuickReplyBox thread that addresses that very issue.
03-02-03 at 04:31 PM L-Mane said this in Post #48 I get this error when I use this
Database error in vBulletin 2.3.0:
Invalid SQL: UPDATE forum SET replycount=replycount+1,lastpost='1046640222',last poster='Leyonssio',sticky='0',open='1' WHERE forumid IN (18,4,-1)
mysql error: Unknown column 'sticky' in 'field list'
Invalid SQL: UPDATE forum SET replycount=replycount+1,lastpost='1048543014',lastposter='Yuber',sticky='0',open='0' WHERE forumid IN (5,3,-1)
mysql error: Unknown column 'sticky' in 'field list'
mysql error number: 1054
Also the optinos for This Thread, This Forum, and Homepage do not work, Ialways am returned to the thread.
How do I get the Signature tickbox to stay ticked for those that use signatures? because at the moment its not being ticked by default.
If users use the normal reply buttons, it puts thier sigs in, but if they use the quickreplybox, without ticking anything, its not putting their sigs in, but if they tick the Sig box, it does.
I've looked at the code, and it says this: (which I thought was the default tick, but its not)
As you can see the 'yes' is there for both the sig and email values, now on the showreply...quick replybox, email is ticked which is brill, but signature isnt...
The var "$signaturechecked" doesn't get made in showthread.php. To do so, look in newthread.php or newreply.php, search the file for $signaturechecked, then copy the bit of code that creates the var and put it in showthread.php just before the piece where the quickreply box stuff is made.
Today at 02:08 PM KuraFire said this in Post #58 The var "$signaturechecked" doesn't get made in showthread.php. To do so, look in newthread.php or newreply.php, search the file for $signaturechecked, then copy the bit of code that creates the var and put it in showthread.php just before the piece where the quickreply box stuff is made.