how does it sit right with you that you're willing to say "you're code is ++++, fix it" but you're not willing to say "oh to do that, try this" come on, if any system like the one you're backing was put into place, i'd suggest that all 'validators' had a record or helping needy coders before they even thought about validating code.
Impossible, as you already know that will diminish the team to 0. Just because I don't spend all my time helping other people in the PHP forum, doesn't make my opinion as a validator any less valuable. I know most of the standards by heart, and code from them the best I can (Im actively refusing to capitalise 'as' in foreach() statements though ), so in what way does the fact that Im not seen in the PHP forum make me less worthy of a Validator position?
I am quite capable of offering a segment of code recoded/optimised/cleaned up.
In fact, Im offended by the wording you are using to describe how we would do our job. In no way did we intend to call the code shide, or ORDER a coder to fix it. We would send a notice to the coder sounding like so:
Hello, $username
Thank you for participating in the Validation system here on Your participation helps improve the community as a whole, and helps the end-user feel more secure about what s/he is installing.
We have reviewed your modification, and it has been marked as $validation_result.
For more information on the different levels, and guidelines on how to improve your code, please check this page.
If you require further assistance, feel free to reply to this PM or contact any other member of the Validation Team.
Again, thank you for your participation, and thank you for sharing your hard work.
Sincerely, Validation Team
Now will you please shut the **** up about the whole "your gonna rip the piss outta the hacks hence this is ++++" deal?
Originally Posted by sabret00the
and while you're not saying you're hounding em, didn't i read up above that you'd like to filter out un-standardized code and even possibly disallow un-standardised code? if that's not hounding people i don't know what is.
I doubt this is possible with regex, and we never said anything about disallowing un-compliant code. We would only disallow code that had serious flaws (such as security holes, noticeable performance drops, etc).
1. Valid - The hack complies with the vB Coding Standards both in terms of PHP and Source Code Formatting.
2. Cleared - The hack's PHP is optimised, but it has obvious flaws in Coding Style
3. Warning - Neither the hack's PHP or the hack's Coding Style complies
4. Pending - Pending evaluation (default for new hacks)
I doubt this is possible with regex, and we never said anything about disallowing un-compliant code. We would only disallow code that had serious flaws (such as security holes, noticeable performance drops, etc).
i actually think it could be done but we'd need matt in here as he's handy with regex's
Originally Posted by Revan
DV hasn't seen my post, who the hell said his idea was written in stone?
it's his thread, i assumed he was the idea leader.
i hope my postcount is going up for all of this :nervous: