I will quote what I like thank you - Please do not try and control my own Posting style now...
hellsatan, can I ask you a question: How old are you? It is notable that you simply keep repeating over and over what you have already said. Would you please either participate in the discussion by addressing my points with valid arguments or not say anything at all? Thanks.
A majority of sites do not conform with XHTML1.1/CSS. Therefore, they do not validate to be "Valid XHTML" or "Valid CSS". Presence or absence of those labels on a certain site does not mark the content of that site as being of a "1st or 2nd sort". It just identifies the site as being or not being standards-compliant. There are plenty of sites with a cool content but with a poor code. Same here: "PHP Valid" would identify a hack as being standards-compliant (for those who are interested), while saying nothing about the usefullness of the hack and/or about the author himself.
What it would say, however, is that time has been taken to create a neat code. It would also allow the interested end-users to see the list of PHP Valid hacks.
Code does not become invalid because you don't like the way it has been coded...
This statement is impertinent to the discussion. You are correct, "code does not become invalid because you don't like the way it has been coded". We are, nevertheless, talking about PHP coding. I'd like to point out that there is a charter entitled "vBulletin PHP Coding Standards". The code that "I don't like how it's coded" does become invalid according to those standards. Although these are not commonly accepted PHP standards, they will doubtlessly get there over time. For now, I'd like to express my gratitude to Jelsoft for taking the first step of publicly outlining these standards, and I'd like to encourage everyone to follow that charter. And to help with the encouragement, I'd like the QA team be resurrected. Admins, or whoever is in charge around here, come on and do it!