Allows specified users to send a Private Message to certain groups of people.
This is basically the same as the hack created by UAE and in talking with him I have posted this here.
Super Private Message will give you the convenience and ability to provide many different options for sending mass private messages to users by any one you choose to assign this task to based on Conditionals (if):
User's Usergroup is Y.
User's has posts greater than x posts.
User's has posts less than x posts.
User's Join Date is After (yyyy-mm-dd).
User's Join Date is Befor (yyyy-mm-dd).
User's Last Activiy is After (yyyy-mm-dd).
User's Last Activiy is Befor (yyyy-mm-dd).
User's Last Post is After (yyyy-mm-dd).
User's Last Post is Befor (yyyy-mm-dd).
Settings in the Admin CP:
Specify who gets to use the Super Private Message System by Assigning their User Names or User IDs.
Specify the Secondary and Primary usergroup they can send a mass pm to.
Select what usergroup to be visible for selection(s).
Select to have the assignee change his identity when sending.
Control what fields to be visible for each assignee.
List All assignee, delete/edit them.
Hack Installation Details:
New files for this Hack: 2
New templates for this Hack: 1
Template-edits: 1
DB Tables modified for this Hack: 1
1.0.1 BETA
Fixed bug in xml
No longer show to whom the message will be sent (if you like that don't upload the superpm.php file. If your copy is working there is really no need to upgrade, there are no major changes yet - hopefully soon there will be!
1.0.2 BETA
Changed wording in Template - Makes more sense
Changed location of SuperPM link in admincp - Contained in the "User" group
Changed insert to fix/help fix the problem with overloading the server
Added option for admin to show to whom message will be sent
Fixed bug causing a php error * Thanks for the report Fofer
Fixed bug saving message to sent items even if you don't send it.
Added Email on pm - WARNING this will most likely not work if sending to over 500 people (probably ok up to 1000) although may be server intensive. Also, to do that you will likely have to change the max number or pms in superpm.php file from 500 to 1000.
Misc. changes as requested.
To upgrade, upload files and import the new product, click on overwrite and you will be set.
If you like this hack, please be kind and click "INSTALL" Link.
This has been tested and seems to be working fine. If you find any errors please let me know!
I'm looking for a mass PM and by all accounts this looks like the bunny for me, only one question: - how stable is this beta?
bad question to ask.. best way to find out is by reading through the pages and keep a count of how many have installed, had issues and uninstalled.. ive had not one problem and ive had it installed since 3.5.1 .. works great.. initially just some minor confusions on my part, but it was all due to the common hack collision thing
Let's say I click "PREVIEW" ... but then back out and decide NOT to send the PM after all.
It still shows up in my "Sent Items" folder, as if it was sent. I contacted the users in question and they didn't actually receive the PM, so it's not like I confirmed it by accident... the SuperPM wasn't sent. Yet my Sent Items folder says it was.
I've played with this a few times now, and despite the fact that all I did was "Preview" and didn't actually send the PM... it shows up in my Sent Items folder.
EDIT: I now realize this is a conflict/bug with the Advanced PM Optionshack. Basically, if you have the "Save a copy of this message in your Sent Items folder" option checked, it will save a copy of your message as "sent," even when you are merely previewing it.
(For the record, this doesn't happen with "regular" PM's... only "Super PM's" generated with this extension.)
after sending mass PM many times....we end up having a lot of members with filled there a way to add mass delete all PM for a special user group??
Just as an update to the above conflict report, the developer of Advanced PM options says:
This could be true, I will look at what I am doing with this and try and fix it if it is. Sorry about the confusion, it shouldn't do that... but obviously it is.
Also thanks for the info on the problems, I will look at these as well and see what I have done and fix any problems!
after sending mass PM many times....we end up having a lot of members with filled there a way to add mass delete all PM for a special user group??
I will look into it, what our options are. The users can obviously select the messages and delete them, but... What exactly are you thinking for functionality here? Who deletes them... that kind of a thing.