Version: 3.17, by Cap'n Steve
Developer Last Online: May 2010
Category: Major Additions -
Version: 3.6.0
Released: 01-01-2007
Last Update: 04-30-2008
Installs: 207
DB Changes Uses Plugins Template Edits
Re-useable Code Additional Files Translations
No support by the author.
QuoteIt! version 3.1
I'm no longer able to put very much time into this mod, so I've set up a Subversion repository at to allow others to help out. You can use the login "vbuser" with the password "vbulletin" to edit files. If someone would like to completely take over the mod, please contact me.
QuoteIt! allows you to have a database of quotes integrated with your forum. Users submit quotes that can then be voted on by the other users, using your choice of two rating systems. The average installation will show a random quote on the forum home page, but you can include it on any vBulletin page or on your portal home page.
Random Quote
- a random quote can be shown on any vBulletin powered page
- the administrator can set a default rating threshold that quotes must meet before showing up as the random quote
- a new random quote can be chosen at a specific interval of time, to reduce server load
Quote Database
- quotes can be searched, filtered, and sorted by many different criteria
- quotes have a "context" field that can be turned on or off to include more information about the quote
- quotes can be embedded in posts with bbcode
- each post and private message now has a "Submit to Quotes" link that allows users to quote things said on your forum more easily
Quote Ratings System
- quotes can be rated either plus/minus or on a scale from 1 to 5
- quotes below a certain total score or average score can be filtered out
Quote Management
- quotes can either be automatically approved or moderated
- the quote moderation que is like the que for posts, enabling the moderation of several quotes at once
- usergroup permissions are used for adding, editing, deleting, rating and viewing quotes
- most actions use AJAX to avoid page reloads
El Muerte - Are you sure about the Administration Options? I have a feeling I know why the Parsing Options might not save, but the others are all saved together.
Originally Posted by BaconDelight
So, I'm still not thrilled with the look of this in IE.
You and me both. I'm tempted to make each quote a table row like it was in the original version. I know tables are evil and all that, but it would probably make things easier. I'll keep working on it.
You and me both. I'm tempted to make each quote a table row like it was in the original version. I know tables are evil and all that, but it would probably make things easier. I'll keep working on it.
I just installed the latest version and the right sides of all the quotes are cut off in IE 7 along with the buttons at the top of each quote...everything looks fine in Firefox 2 except the quotes are kinda squished toward the center.
I know I wouldn't mind tables if it will clean up the look of the quotes. That aside though, I really like this hack.
El Muerte - Are you sure about the Administration Options? I have a feeling I know why the Parsing Options might not save, but the others are all saved together.
It looks like the settings are saved to the array properly, but they don't show correctly afterwards
This worked fine until I added a quote, now when I go to quotes.php I get this error message:
Warning: array_merge() [function.array-merge]: Argument #2 is not an array in /includes/functions_quoteit.php on line 23
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/maestrox/public_html/forum/includes/class_core.php:3032) in /includes/functions_quoteit.php on line 1135
Pretty sweet add-on, although, the formating (as you already know) is a tad messed up. The box they show in is too big too. I'm all for using a table if it helps. Tables aren't evil anyway.