Version: , by tubedogg
Developer Last Online: Dec 2016
Version: 2.2.x
Released: 03-26-2001
Last Update: Never
Installs: 45
No support by the author.
Someone mentioned this in the other forum (I think it was Castel). It's hardly a hack, as it consists of commenting out 3 lines, but here's how to do it:
Bringing this hack back, I am using 2.2.0 and when I install the hack, and go to Prune... I tell it to prune 50 days (had the board since Sept) and it comes up with nothing. It doesn't display one post...
However, when I delete threads/posts individually, users keep their postcount... so it works on an "individual basis"...
Excuse the intrusion, probably in a wrong place, but nobody answered here
I have the opposite problem: when a mod moves a post/thread from a forum with $countposts=1 to another with $countposts=0 (for example the RecycleBin or a chit-chat area which doesn't count against the membership awards given by post-counter), that number is not decreased.
Infact in postings.php, action move, nowhere is any instruction to decrease the counter (or check if necessary) like it is in the delete thread/post sections.
I don't agree with this policy, but that isn't the problem: infact, if I do a complete post recount, unpredictably this user count remains the same, even that user post is ONLY into the $countposts=0 forum....
What's up ?
P.S.: I would like very much to bugfix the 'move' code to do this check, but can't figure how...
Yes this is updated.. I remeber the old one that was made *memories*.. but the code has changed. So here it is in living color.
I thought this would be usefull since a few people have asked about it.
##### In admin/function.php find ( around line 1967) #####
PHP Code:
if (is_array($userpostcount)) {
while(list($postuserid,$subtract)=each($userpostcount)) {
$DB_site->query("UPDATE user SET posts=posts$subtract WHERE userid='$postuserid'");
### and replace with ###
PHP Code:
// if (is_array($userpostcount)) {
// while(list($postuserid,$subtract)=each($userpostcount)) {
// $DB_site->query("UPDATE user SET posts=posts$subtract WHERE userid='$postuserid'");
// }
// }
##### now shortly under it find ( around line 1996 ) #####
PHP Code:
if ($countposts) {
$DB_site->query("UPDATE user SET posts=posts-1 WHERE userid='$postinfo[userid]'");
### and replace with ###
PHP Code:
// if ($countposts) {
// $DB_site->query("UPDATE user SET posts=posts-1 WHERE userid='$postinfo[userid]'");
// }
Just an add: WHAT ABOUT moved threads ?
I saw the postcount of each user isn't updated when I move a thread from a forum (with countposts=1) to another (with countposts=0) ... ???
I also put a message in bugfix section of, but it doesn't seem being recognized as a bug...
How could I recount posts -ONLY- for each members affected by a particular thread ?