Version: , by Kayn
Developer Last Online: Dec 2010
Version: 2.2.x
Released: 07-02-2001
Last Update: Never
Installs: 59
No support by the author.
UPDATED! Woohoo!
I just fixed/added stuff from version 1.0!
Download the new version 1.5 if you have the old 1.0 - lots of better features.
From the readme.txt:
This script isn't really a hack, just an external script that pulls information out of the VBulletin Database for news
or whatever reason you see fit. It's easy to install and configure, and has tons of the same features that many other
news scripts have, except you don't have to modify any Vbulletin source code (which I'm never comfortable doing
for some reason, but that's just me .
I had a really rough time finding a good, EASY news script that did what this does. I searched and found some, but
it really came down to easy installation. I didn't want to modify MySql tables or mess with the advanced Vbulletin
source (well, to me anyway). So I wrote this script. Yer.
This script was intended for VBulletin 2.0 only (I don't know if it will work with previous releases) and PHP4.
After you install, if at all possible, I would appreciate some credit to my script. A link to
on your page before or after your news would be great. Let me know when you have it installed too - I love
seeing my stuff working on other websites!
Originally posted by usbnuts
I think you just have to change one line to grab any thread titles forum catergoies you want.
// create sql statement
$sql = "SELECT threadid, title, forumid, replycount, postusername, postuserid, lastposter, dateline, iconid FROM thread WHERE forumid = "1" AND forumid = "2" AND forumid = "3" ORDER BY dateline DESC LIMIT $newsitems";
That's not working for me either. I'm getting no news displayed, but the "search for news" and "view all news" as well as the footer are all displayed.
If a delete both AND statements, the code works fine. Any way around this?
Whenever I need to close my board, my main page (which displays headlines) becomes a broken mess, with the "forum closed" message appearing somewhere in the middle. Is there a way to make it display something like "Headlines are temporarily unavailable" whenever the board is closed?
I made that site for someone I host, that main page, and all the member's pages are news loaded off the boards. That is all inside a huge template. I also made the script say "Last Comment By: N/A" when there were no comments...AND I made it so if there is no news, it says so... I am so proud!!!! Now I just need to figure out where I will put the headlines...
I used isset($variable) in an if statement. Then, whatever that variable was, it loaded: conf_$variable. Hence, loading a different configuration file for a different name...