Version: , by Stasik
Developer Last Online: May 2009
Version: 2.2.x
Released: 06-25-2001
Last Update: Never
Installs: 31
No support by the author.
Hi.... it is my first hack - phpProbe
here is it... it was tested under vbb2x RC2 and phpMyChat 0.14.4
Updated on 19.07.01
- FAQ has been add
Updated on 18.07.01 The hack is compatible with version 0.14.5 of phpMyChat
- there is some javaScript code there, so the hack will not work with browsers without JS support (phpMyChat will not work with these browsers too )
- the Exit link in chat works ok now
Hack: Step 1:
open /lib/index.lib.php3 in yours phpMyChat Derictory
PHP Code:
// Fix some security holes
replace it with
PHP Code:
//a VBB integration hack by Stasik (
$exiturl = ""; // the url the user will be redirected exiting the chat
if ($bbuserid == 0)
print "no"; //Message if the user has no cookie
if ($bbusername == "" || (isset($bbusername))==0)
$getusername=$DB_site->query_first("SELECT username FROM user WHERE userid=$bbuserid");
$bbusername = $username;
$username = $bbusername;
} }
Q: I`m getting "no" every time.
A: You need to upgrade a cookie option in your VB control panel. Write under: Options->Change Options->[HTTP Headers and output]->Cookie Domain your domainname ONLY (
Q: I`m getting "you need to register" error.
A: Enable chat using for not registered users in your phpMyChat config (/config/config.lib.php3).
Q: I`m getting "wrong password" error.
A: Make shure you have deleted all user accounts in your chat and have only administrative one. If you are logging is as administrator note that you have to enter your password EVERY time you are logging in.
Questions or Bug reports?
Post it here I`ll answer ASAP.
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This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.
Ok, so I go back and study the whole thing again. I found that I had made some errors, so I restored all the files modified as a result of the hack (backups are great!!), and started again, 1 step at a time.
What my problem is now, is that I cannot figure out (I got PHP manual, 2) if the path specified in index.lib.php3 of phpmychat is absoulte or relative.
In reading thru all the pages in this post and other related threads(mentioned above) I saw where you assisted *skull* using what appeared to be absolute path names. Was this because his chat directory was at the same level as his forum directory ? I noticed you had him change some other options, as well...
Why is this a question? Because it is failing trying to retrieve global.php on the require("./global.php") statement after the chdir("\usr\prod\") statement in my version of index.lib.php3.
In my zeal to post a reply, I forgot the error response !
Fatal error: Failed opening required './global.php' (include_path='') in D:\????\????\phpchat\chat\lib\index.lib.php3 on line 91
I put the ???? in, as I don't publicize my directory structures.
The chat button on the home page links to \phpchat\chat\index.php3 as you had indicated in an earler post, and looking at chat_activity.php, also from an earlier reference in this thread.
you have to write ADSOLUTE path.... un your case with NT system it should be something like this d:\wwwroot\bitbender\forum\ just try to ask your hoster
Sir, I am the Web Hoster I build PC's, small networks, and work full time installing OS'es on mainframes througout US. The only help desk I have is me!!
Even at home, there is Domestic management to contend with !
thanks again for the reply! I'll keep at it!
I tried it w/o the D: designation, so let me go try wit it !!