<div align="center">If you like our website and would like to give something in return, you can make a donation. All donations are gratefully received.
<br /><br /><form action="https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr" target="_blank" method="post"><div><input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_xclick" /><input type="hidden" name="business" value="YOUREMAIL@paypal.com" /><input type="hidden" name="item_name" value="www.YOURSITE.com Donation" /><input type="hidden" name="no_note" value="1" /><input type="hidden" name="tax" value="0" /><select name="currency_code"><option value="EUR">€ - EUR</option><option value="GBP">£ - GBP</option><option value="USD">$ - USD</option></select><select name="amount"><option value="10.00">10</option><option value="15.00">15</option><option value="20.00">20</option><option value="25.00">25</option><option value="50.00">50</option><option value="100.00">100</option></select></div><br />
Select your preferred currency and donation amount, then click the donate button.
<br /><br /><fieldset><input type="image" src="images/cms/widget-donations_paypal.png" title="Pay via PayPal" alt="Pay via PayPal" /></fieldset></form></div>
Template Name
NB. Change YOUREMAIL@paypal.com and www.YOURSITE.com in Static HTML to suit your needs.
Add widget to a page
ADMIN CP > vBulletin CMS > Layout manager > Edit
Insert the Donations widget and place it where you want it to appear
If you like our website and would like to give something in return, you can make a donation. All donations are gratefully received.
<br /><br /><form action="https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr" target="_blank" method="post"><div><input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_xclick" /><input type="hidden" name="business" value="YOUREMAIL@paypal.com" /><input type="hidden" name="item_name" value="www.YOURSITE.com Donation" /><input type="hidden" name="no_note" value="1" /><input type="hidden" name="tax" value="0" /><select name="currency_code"><option value="EUR">€ - EUR</option><option value="GBP">£ - GBP</option><option value="USD">$ - USD</option></select><select name="amount"><option value="10.00">10</option><option value="15.00">15</option><option value="20.00">20</option><option value="25.00">25</option><option value="50.00">50</option><option value="100.00">100</option></select></div><br />
Select your preferred currency and donation amount, then click the donate button.
<br /><br /><fieldset><input type="image" src="images/cms/widget-donations_paypal.png" title="Pay via PayPal" alt="Pay via PayPal" /></fieldset></form>
Template Name
NB. Change YOUREMAIL@paypal.com and www.YOURSITE.com in Static HTML to suit your needs.
Add widget to a page
ADMIN CP > vBulletin CMS > Layout manager > Edit
Insert the Donations widget and place it where you want it to appear
All images (except the PayPal one) are derived from www.famfamfam.com.
The code to make this is fairly basic so feel free to modify to suit your own needs, but if you do use it then please click install. Thank you.
The first steps should take you here;
You should then see the following screen;
Hope that solves your problem .
It'd be possible (I'd have to learn a bit), but would require a plugin and is a bit beyond the scope of what I wanted to do with a simple widget/side block. I've had a quick search and there's two mods that have progress bars; Cyb - PayPal Donate and Donation Progress Bar-Forumhome. You're probably better of asking one of them to update either mod to vB4, in which adding compatibility to display the bar in a widget/block would probably be fairly straight forward. If neither mod owners are willing to update their mods then I'll look into doing it myself further.
You can, please see the third post on details on how to do this.
You can enable this on the forum-only package and make it visible on every page. This is explained in the third post of this thread. In regards to the donation bar, see my comments above to steven s.
Cyb has not responded for a long time to any of his mods, and the other mod is really really old, so if you could create it, it would be great
Guess I'll have to wait till the update release comes out, because its not showing for me no matter who's code I use.
The thing is, this is the only problem I've came across since "Finally" getting my board upgraded. ( Took a few restores to get it right [ or so I thought] )
A donation goal bar would be great if it's possible because other versions still have not been updated.
Originally Posted by Bouncer222
Cyb has not responded for a long time to any of his mods, and the other mod is really really old, so if you could create it, it would be great
Originally Posted by maidos
there is no reply... wondering if u can work on the donation bar which can display on forum home?
Cyb has stated in his signature;
Note: All of my products are supported, but I'm busy with my main job, so please be patient when asking for support. *** vBulletin 4 versions will be released once we buy new license. No ETA ATM.
None the less, a basic one to do until that happens. Taken pretty much directly from this guide;
Chose where you want the progress bar to appear, insert;
We're currently 50% of the way to achieving our goal of £100.
<br />
<div class="progress-container" align="left">
<div style="width: 50%"></div>
Change percentage, currency and goal amount to suit your needs.
You should end up with something like below;
Originally Posted by linuxututs
Guess I'll have to wait till the update release comes out, because its not showing for me no matter who's code I use.
The thing is, this is the only problem I've came across since "Finally" getting my board upgraded. ( Took a few restores to get it right [ or so I thought] )
I don't understand your problem, sorry.
Again, thanks to all those who have marked installed .