Sorry stupid question but where does one fill in the info to have it listed below the dropdown boxes??
Also how hard (for a technical idiot like me) is it to have a different looking page similar to the one in your second screenshot
Lastly and most importantly, we have a unique payment system here in SA called Paygate, it worked fine on version 1.3 of your mod but now in 1.6 I am getting checksum errors that relate to encryption codes not calculating properly. I am not saying this is caused by your mod but just wondered if any major changes between 1.3 and 1.6 would cause this and do we have change something our end to get it to work. My developer seems to have the mod working on his site and he doesnot sue your mod (once again not saying your mod is causing the issue) just grasping at straws.
I really like your mod and want to keep it installed so hoping we can throw some light on possible causes here.
thanks for the great work
The subscription description.
If you are not experienced with editing templates and html then you will not be able to accomplish this. I can perform this service for a fee though; send me a PM if you are interested.
Are these checksum errors from the paidregistration product or your custom payment processor?
Thanks for reply will pm you on the template issue, just need to work out what I want so I can give you an idea of work then you can quote me a fee, thanks for this.
Checksum error is coming from our custom payment system being Paygate, it worked in version 1.3 and my developer has it working on his test site. We have not changed encryption codes etc all still the same so not sure of the issue. Anything changed from version 1.3 to 1.6 that would effect this??
This was actually a test case before I released the beta. If you click on the free option then go to the forum's home page, then go back to the registration, it removes the cookie (a plugin does this) so you can make a choice again. Maybe I should add a note on the subscription selection screen to visitors know they can make another choice. Thanks for testing this!
Hmmm..This is not really a fix. A user will not know to do this...
Remember this cookie fix Lancerforhire? Well...for some reason, the highlighted code does not work in IE, works in chrome and in firefox.
Thanks for reply will pm you on the template issue, just need to work out what I want so I can give you an idea of work then you can quote me a fee, thanks for this.
Checksum error is coming from our custom payment system being Paygate, it worked in version 1.3 and my developer has it working on his test site. We have not changed encryption codes etc all still the same so not sure of the issue. Anything changed from version 1.3 to 1.6 that would effect this??
Thanks for time in answering and product support
A lot changed between 1.3 and the current version but if the Paygate solution follows the same conventions as the built in methods, there should be no problem interacting with this modification. Note that while it may work on your developer's server, his site and yours are in two different environments. There isn't much else I can say about this.
Originally Posted by HellRZR
Remember this cookie fix Lancerforhire? Well...for some reason, the highlighted code does not work in IE, works in chrome and in firefox.
The fix where the link is added to the top of the free option? That's odd, working for me in IE; I just tried it on your site.
I need a copy of version 1.3 just to test something on my site. We had 1.3 working perfectly and are having issues with something else and I am not sure what is causing it. Want just go back to 1.3 for a quick test can anyone help me with version 1.3