Version: 1.00, by 350Chevy
Developer Last Online: Sep 2009
Version: 3.0.0
Released: 05-26-2004
Last Update: Never
Installs: 69
No support by the author.
Private Message Sound Notification plays a random .wav file whenever your users recieve a Private Message. I have included 10 .wav files in the zip that you can use or you can find and replace the .wav files with any file(s) of your choosing.
This is installed at: (You will have to register and just PM yourself to test.)
- This used to be installed on my site running vB2 and was originally requested by myself and written by EvilLS1.
Plays ten(10) random .wav files when a user recieves a PM (you can change this to any number)
User CP option to allow your users to turn the sounds on/off
Plays the .wav file from any page on your forum as the code is located in the navbar template
Sounds are ON by default
Sounds do NOT play when you enter the User CP or when entering the Private Messages. Thanks to EvilLS1!
Sounds do NOT play if the member is a part of a special usergroup who does not have access to read PMs. Thanks to Onkel_Tom!
* Last Updated 06/20/2004
For more sounds click here - Thanks to colicab-d for providing a few more sounds.
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This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.
I can't get this dang thing to work, and I have no idea why.
I thought maybe because my navbar is actually in my header I should try it in there and see if it works (I tried it in the navbar template, and it didn't work), but that didn't work either.
OK I don't know what I did wrong but for some reason I can't turn it back on. I mean I can't turn on the PM soundnotification for myself. It won't stay selected.
I get after the installation hacks always this error if I with the attitudes which change möchet.
e.g. pop the UP window activate or deaktiviern.
to me can one say where drann lies?
I've never messed with vBPortal however it should be about the same as vBAdvanced. If your vBPortal calls for the navbar then it should already have the neccessary code to play the sound. If it does not call for the navbar template then you could simply add
at the top in your vBPortal template header or index template. You will have to copy the "/sounds" folder and all the wav files in the folder to your vbPortal folder (most likely the root of your website.)
Example: If you have your forum here: /home/www/forums. Your sound folder is here: /home/www/forums/sounds. You will have to copy that folder to /home/www so that you will also have a folder containing all the sounds called /home/www/sounds. That should do the trick.
It does not call the wav even though it uses the navbar?
I have a big little problem....the sound go only for me....for other admins & user not play the a superadmin...where is the problem ??
U can hel me?
I have version 3.0.7 (nice and fresh - installed today)
I did the 2 php mods and triple checked them.
I did the 2 template mods and triple checked them as well.
I added the phrase in GLOBAL. checked okay too.
So I'm guessing there's only one thing left, and that's:
***** QUERY *****
ALTER TABLE user ADD pmsound varchar(7) NOT NULL
So I go to execute a SQL Query and choose the manual...
This error is returned:
An error occurred while attempting to execute your query. The following information was returned.
error number: 1146
error desc: Table 'simtech2.user' doesn't exist
Help - my brain is too fried from doing the board upgrade and all the other hacks! :dead: