This hack uses AJAX to check if the user name is taken and also displays errors and reasons why the user messed up on the registration form. Look at attached example picture.
Installation Instructions:
(If you don't have the unregistered usergroup set to Can View Forum = YES then you will have to follow the normal steps then apply this fix:
1) Import the Product (make sure you have an original register template, or use the [manual edits])
2) Upload the images and javascript
3) Also Add these to your Additional CSS Definitions for your style:
I also have an issue with this mod 3.1.1, i had to disable the image verification. Even right keeps getting error in verification. Does anyone knows what could be wrong?
unfortunately may people didn't like how the fields appeared. (guess it was too drastic of a change). I would also recommend uninstalling 4.0 because its in beta, and i will be waiting for vbulletin 3.7 RC1 to start anything.
Wow seriously? I love how the fields appeared after you inputted the correct info that is the best part. So when you update it for 3.7 what are the chances it will work for 3.6.8? I remember you saying something about that.
Will the 3.7 version take advantage of the new Human Verifcation system? If so, I will revisit this addon. I plan on switching all forums to the Recaptcha method myself.
Installed worked great but one problem Im having. I tested it out and the for some strange reason you cant press the register button. Everything is filled out correctly on the registration page. I disabled the mod and the register button works. any ideas?
Will the 3.7 version take advantage of the new Human Verifcation system? If so, I will revisit this addon. I plan on switching all forums to the Recaptcha method myself.
im not sure how the new Human Verification system works (i feel its a bit too much work for the user anyways...). Hopefully its possible.
I also have an issue with this mod 3.1.1, i had to disable the image verification. Even right keeps getting error in verification. Does anyone knows what could be wrong?
im not sure how the new Human Verification system works (i feel its a bit too much work for the user anyways...). Hopefully its possible.
It replaces the old Image Captcha system. Just lets the Admin decide to use Image Captcha, Question based Captcha or Recaptcha. The old system isn't possible anymore as far as I am aware.
This works great, only thing is, I had to disable the image verification because I tested it out and it didn't show therefor no-one could have completed the registration (the complete registration button didn't work). Now I have disabled the image verification, it works, thanks.
This works great, only thing is, I had to disable the image verification because I tested it out and it didn't show therefor no-one could have completed the registration (the complete registration button didn't work). Now I have disabled the image verification, it works, thanks.