Version: 1.00, by ibautocommunity
Developer Last Online: Jun 2020
Category: Integration with vBulletin -
Version: 3.8.3
Released: 08-12-2009
Last Update: 08-12-2009
Installs: 155
DB Changes Uses Plugins Auto-Templates
Re-useable Code Additional Files Translations Is in Beta Stage
No support by the author.
vBulletin Nexus Current project release: BETA This works on vBulletin 3.7.X - 3.8.4
This product will allow visitors to join your community using their Facebook, Google, Yahoo or AIM account; and will allow your existing members to associate an existing forum account with one of the services - such as Facebook.
Please read the documentation and follow it exactly before requesting installation help. Please note, if you have heavily modified styles that are missing hooks - this product will not work and require additional installation steps.
Really appreciate your support! I will be cataloging bugs and prioritizing them for next release, but we are currently still working on deploying this product on our sites and haven't had an opportunity or dire need to release a newer version. We are going to do a bug sweep soon and consider some other functionality.
also i want to to mentioned that when someone logs on under facebook.In there profile email address, there's a sequence of numbers follow by the facebook proxy site as the email address.Is that normal?
Really appreciate your support! I will be cataloging bugs and prioritizing them for next release, but we are currently still working on deploying this product on our sites and haven't had an opportunity or dire need to release a newer version. We are going to do a bug sweep soon and consider some other functionality.
Which seems to mean that this thread/release won't be gettng any real support from you anytime soon, and 13 pages of questions/help requests won't be getting answered anytime soon, etc.
also i want to to mentioned that when someone logs on under facebook.In there profile email address, there's a sequence of numbers follow by the facebook proxy site as the email address.Is that normal?
Yes, you will not get their real email address from Facebook. Google seems to give you even less, at least you can use the Facebook one to send an email. This is why the email prompt is in the control panel, and also why there is the talk about an email field when you pick your user name.
It would really be a good idea IMHO to have it as an option, possibly with the ability to make it mandatory.
Not sure if it is laziness or something else. He is associated with IB and there may be something else going on. Perhaps some toes got stepped on or some SOP violated by this release. It could even be that priorities shifted and the resources are not dedicated to VB4.0
In any case I am happy to put my coding ability, be it somewhat limited, to use in helping the community. I really do like this mod and once you work out the bugs it does a really good job.
OH, no, it's laziness.
This is the most pathetic attempt at "support" I've seen in a mod in a very, very long time. Ignoring customer requests, you know, the people that pay the bills?
I'd say this is amost as bad as the original mod doing this very same thing. It's pathetic that developers ignore their customers because they want to , nothing more. Blame it on "our other forums" all you like, but you have over 13 pages of requests and problems that you have blatantly ignored for close to a month not.
How are we supposed to take this? That IB wants our business, or wants to improve their product? No, I'm afraid, it's not going to be taken that way. Just the opposite, in fact.
You place a mod on your own forums and call it "supported", then ignore the requests for support.
This mod should be moved to the graveyard, because it most definitely is not stable or supported, as the author claims
Try this:
using phpmyadmin, delete your user from the vbnexus table:
delete from vbnexus_nonvbuser WHERE userid='insertuseridhere'
Then associate the account again. That might solve the problem?
This worked Tom, thanks SO much!!!
EDIT: I'm being prompted to publish my posts now. However, when starting a new thread, once I click Submit, I get a gray blank page.
Any ideas about that?
EDIT: I'm being prompted to publish my posts now. However, when starting a new thread, once I click Submit, I get a gray blank page.
Any ideas about that?
Try restarting your browser and re-logging in.
This is what everyone else has been reporting. My guess is that it has something to do with either the session (possible), or the connection to facebook. It's not a permament thing, it'll go away, then come back, then go away, etc.