More Info:
Members will be able to add customized links to the quick links popup via the "UserCP -> Edit Quick Links" link. These links will appear under 'Custom Links' at the bottom of the Quick Links popup.
It adds no additional queries during pageloads. (the data is stored in usertextfield which is grabbed on every page by default)
The links are individual to each user, not global for everyone.
The link titles are HTML safe.
The only drawback is that very long link titles also distort the quick links popup and make it very wide, but that is up to each member.
Changelog: v1.1:
- Added quicklinks to construct_usercp_nav() (Thanks Lionel)
I checked my install and I can't see anything wrong. Would the fact that my navbar is in my header template have anything to do with this not displaying?
As I said, I can add sites my CP and the created table now has info in it. It's just the Quicklinks drop down does not show any of this hack's display.
on EVERY page(its in the navbar) load. extra queries have to be made for the custom quicklinks. multiply that be all your users, viewing pages constantly.
If you review the code, you will see that he has no idea what he is talking about. People should not disparage other's hacks if they can't code their way out of a wet paper bag that is already torn and has arrows pointing the way.
The quicklinks are stored in the usertextinfo table which is queried automatically on every page.
I checked my install and I can't see anything wrong. Would the fact that my navbar is in my header template have anything to do with this not displaying?
As I said, I can add sites my CP and the created table now has info in it. It's just the Quicklinks drop down does not show any of this hack's display.
I installed this on another site that has the navbar moved to header in a style and it again did not work. But it did work on a child style that had the navbar still in the navbar template. Any help?
I installed this on another site that has the navbar moved to header in a style and it again did not work. But it did work on a child style that had the navbar still in the navbar template. Any help?
You moved the quick navbarinto the header template?
In that case, you need to edit global.php and move the section
You moved the quick navbarinto the header template?
Exactly. For an example attached is a shot of my neXusBlue vB3 conversion. I have several styles with the navbar taken out of the navbar/breadcrumb area and moved to header.
And that fix worked. Thank you for this nice addition.
I ended up taking this out of QuickLinks and making it's own "My Links" drop down. I also added target="_blank" to the code in customquicklink template to have these open in a new window.
I must have done something very wrong. I couldn't get past the first step. Here is what I got running the query:
An error occurred while attempting to execute your query. The following information was returned.
error number: 1146
error desc: Table 'forum.usertextfield' doesn't exist
I'd like to add this to our 3.07 version but can't. Any help?
I must have done something very wrong. I couldn't get past the first step. Here is what I got running the query:
Are you using table prefixes? If so, you need to add the prefix before "usertextfield" in the query. ie, if your prefix is "forum_" you need to change usertextfield to "forum_usertextfield"