Version: 1.00, by trafix
Developer Last Online: Jul 2008
Version: 3.0.5
Released: 01-20-2005
Last Update: 01-20-2005
Installs: 15
No support by the author.
Requested by Floris
This is another simple script based on the Close thread after 30 days .... BUT ...
This one will auto move all threads to an archive forum where the last post is 365 days or older
There is 2 variables for you to edit
Defult is set to "1"
$newforum = the forum number that these threads are to be moved to
Defult is set to 365
this means that threads that havnt been replied to in the last 365 days will be moved to the nominated archive forum
you can change 365 to whatever days you like
Please click Install
Found an error in the code please download new zip and replace the file on your forum
Added file ...
This file will move threads from a specific forum to another spacific forum, edit as instructed
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I'm not sure how you do this loop thing but if you could show me how to get rid of this monster of a script it might solve all my problems.
Are sure you I can do it in my situation? Each section I'm moving threads from has its own dead threads section. That's why I thought I had to list them all.
Btw, it worked, only there was another mistake like you pointed out a little lower. Works now!
Is there a way to make this work so that after 24 hours of a thread being posted it is moved, regardless of when the last post in the thread was. So basically it only works off when the thread was started, not replied to, and moves aver 24 hours (I assume setting days to 1 would work ).
Yeah that happened to me as well. Thank goodness I had a backup from about a week ago because I was in for some serious thread moving.
This hack was a good idea, but it's very annoying to have to move back the stickies every day this script runs. It works great without the stickies bit.
OK I am running 3.0.7 The sticky thing dosen't work any suggestions on how to fix it?
error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE);
if ($DB_site == NULL)
global $DB_site;
// edit the forum id number
// you only need to edit the number of days only
$movedate = strtotime("now -14 days");
// do not edit below
SET forumid = $newforum
Where lastpost <= $movedate
AND forumid != $newforum
OR sticky != 1
log_cron_action('Auto MoveThreads To Archive', $nextitem);
Great! This looks like what I need to archive my 2004 posts to a 2004 Archive forum. I want it to maintain the forum structure and be readable, but not postable. I want them to also be searchable.
This looks like the 2 version is for annual moves which is what I need. But it looks like it is for older versions.
Has anyone tried this on version 3.5 yet? And did it leave the stickies?
Possible to also do one "Auto Close thread after 100 posts and create a new one with the same title" ( but append a part X to it where X is 2 if the new post created has been branched once, 3 if branched twice and so on .. ) and with the first post of this new thread to have the content : " In continuation of this previous thread here: XX )" where XX is the link to the previous closed thread ?
Have always been meaning to try something like this for my forums but never got round to doing it.
Hope you can release something like this, since you seem to be on a roll with these cron jobs trafix
I too would like something like that. As I have this "Band/Movie/Song/Etc Games".... And those topics should stop at 250 replies, and then a person starts a new one with the last band/movie/song/etc posted... The above request would be wicked Hehe...
I know it's a long while since this was posted, but... *poke* You alive?