- Aligned text and images for a cleaner look
- Changed dropdown to contain mood images instead of text, with admin option
- Added optional auto replace for postbit and postbit legacy templates
UPDATES ON 08/10/2006
- Changed how the dropdown menu looks slighty, better I think.
- One of the plugins was left inactive by mistake, now active.
which resulted in dead mood images e.g. cross displayed in IE
- Fixed a few mood names / images, so are the same.
- Added a few NEW mood images, thanks to GlitterKill
UPDATES ON 22/09/2006
Simply Import the product and make sure you select "allow overwrite"
- No Mood option added
- User Moods will no longer disaply in postbit if moods are disabled.
- thanks to basilrath for the moods.
What is It?
It allows users to set a personal mood, which can be changed without reloading the page. The moodis displayed in the members profile and postbit.
I imported into the mood file but these don't show up in my mood selector on the forum? Is there something else that has to be done first?
You need to add them in your Admin CP, as well, under VBulletin options, under Mood Manager. Also, make sure you spell them exactly like they are in the uploaded files.
Originally Posted by iulianh
I have installed it great mod, but when i change my mod it displays on postbit twice . What shall i do ?
I just discovered this from one of my members: If you turn off Private messaging, the Mood manager control disappears.
Mood Manager version 1.2.5
vBulletin version 3.6.8 PL2
If you're using the plugin method to update the template, it is looking for the PM phrase $vbphrase[private_messages_nav] to insert the Mood Manager drop-down. With PMs turned off you'll need to do the template change manually.
If you're using the plugin method to update the template, it is looking for the PM phrase $vbphrase[private_messages_nav] to insert the Mood Manager drop-down. With PMs turned off you'll need to do the template change manually.
No. Perhaps I wasn't clear. The add-on is already installed and has been for some time, and it works fine for most members. One member notified me that his Mood Manager control (where one changes the mood) had "disappeared" - which was true. On investigating, I discovered he had disabled Private Messaging. I turned PMs on and the control reappeared; turned them off again and it disappeared again.
I can replicate this at will. Try it yourself.
This is a bug in the mod, not an installation issue.
I have strange behavior on 3.7.b3.
If you have some notifications (more than zero) so mood changer is not visible anymore (= you cant change your mood). only if there are zero pms or friend requests (etc,) for you, so you can see mood changer again and change your mood.
I have run into one major issue with the code. Since I'm not really a coder myself, I was hoping someone could help me with this one. I installed the normal version of this code by Sniper, (following all instructions to a tee), but this is how it looks in all my users profiles:
No. Perhaps I wasn't clear. The add-on is already installed and has been for some time, and it works fine for most members. One member notified me that his Mood Manager control (where one changes the mood) had "disappeared" - which was true. On investigating, I discovered he had disabled Private Messaging. I turned PMs on and the control reappeared; turned them off again and it disappeared again.
I can replicate this at will. Try it yourself.
This is a bug in the mod, not an installation issue.
No, it is not a bug in the mod. Re-read what I wrote above and you'll see why.
Okay PM's are enabled, I also did a complete uninstalled and reinstalled of the mod with the new animated smilies (Which works fine) except the moods are still repeditive in the member profiles. lol, I hope I'm not sounding like a total idiot, but I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. I reviewed the .xml to make sure everything matched the images just to make sure there was no error there. Then I looked to make sure Auto Edit In Postbit was on instead of manually inputting the code in the templates, etc...